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     Mdm Ida does general massage as well as pre and post natal traditional body massage for ladies in

     She appeared in The New Paper in late May this year which highlighted her services.Please read the newpaper article below!

     She is contactable at 68464524 or HP 98516025.Feel free to call her.Alternatively, you can also e-mail at for
     ladies only!

     This webpage is also linked to another website.Dun forget to visit it if you are one of those
     nostalgic-seekers (like me-Nora)who miss the olden days of Singapore esp.Sembawang!!:)

     Go to .This website is due for updating in late-October.

     Please note that  I am NOT responsible in the business transactions between you and Mdm Ida.I have
     created this webpage for her in good faith.

     Cheers from Webmaster Nora!

     September 2002.