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Munger Horrowitz
"Death Incarnate"

I'm a soldier,
these shoulders hold up so much,
they won't budge,
I'll never fall or fold up

I'm a soldier,
Even if my collar bones crush or crumble,
I will never slip or stumble

Munger Horrowitz
"Death Incarnate"

LKoR Mage Reg#: MAGI*008 magedice:4d53~exp5615
Journey Man Level 4 Mage
LKoR Slaver reg#: LKSN*014
LKoR Assasin reg#: LKAN*038
LKoR Hunter reg#: LKHN*010
LKoR Priest reg#: LKPN*023
LKoR Healer reg#: LKHN*041
LKoR Squire reg#: SQUIRE*004
TiC of TLGoR/LKoR Reaper 4d91 225690exps 11,500gps
LoE/LKoR 4d91 225690exps ~>>LKoR Enhancers<<~
Black Diamond +5 Attack LERN*014-01
Plasma Guantlet +5 Attack LERN*014-02
Daemon Angel Skin -5 Defense LERN*014-03
Bone armor -5 defense LERN*014-04
Elven Boots -2 Stealth LERN*014-05
Dark Staff 2d10 Attack elemental LERN*014*06
~>>Reaper Enhancers<<~
TGLoR Sword of station(2d5 elemental)Reaper35*E001

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