Mystic Mountains

              Regal in appearance the snow capped mountains stood tall along the distant borders of the land, thwarting the ocean from crashing down upon the forest, it’s cragged sides fell at steeps slopes in places while others slowly leveled themselves out into plateaus flat enough for a fair sized home to rest upon. Layers of fog encapsulated the upper peeks of the mountains, also making themselves known throughout the lower portions of the rock walls giving an unearthly feel to the mystical mountains. Within the walls caves, some the home of wild animals and others abandoned centuries before twist deep into the core of the mountain chain, providing an interesting shelter for a weary, daring traveler. Along the Northern wall where relentless waves crash against the rock, wearing it down to smooth formations massive caverns hollow into the rock, their jagged ceilings offering a quick death when the tides are high but when the tides are low, if you are brave enough to fight the current and the anger of the waves you can find yourself on an adventuresome journey.