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Search engines

Internet Super Search

Bravenet Web Services

The best search engines

Google.this is totally the BEST search engine! (except for mine, ofcourse :-D)
Find it. this is also a really cool search engine. i'd name it 3rd best.
Mamma. this is 4th on my list. it's really cool, but u probably don't wanna try it before google and find it.

Related to search engines

Monasash. This tells you all u'd ever want to know about a search engine. It's cool, if you're a begginer.
Ask Jeeves. This really helps if you want to know something informative such as... how tall is Mount Everest? it's very awesome. also check out their jr. site. (link on
RCLS. this site is cool. it helps kids surf the internet and stay safe.

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