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Cool places to get email & instant messengers

Internet Super Search

Bravenet Web Services

Email accounts

Yahoo! Free, easy, and good service. Very all-out good.:-)
Hotmail. Very good email site. A great place to get an email address!
Lycos. Has very cool, free email accounts.
Netscape. This is easy to use and free! Very cool.
Free Email Address. Just as the name describes. Free email address. :-)

Instant Messengers

AOL Instant Messenger. Probably the most-used, and my favorite instant messenger. Plus, even if you're at someone else's house who hasn't downloaded it, you can access your account using AIM Express!
MSN Messenger. Good messenger service, connected to Hotmail email, and...they're a search engine! Wow!
Yahoo! Messenger. Also a very cool, easy to use instant messenger service.

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