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Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most - Ozzy Osbourne

I think that quote sums me up pretty good, although I sorta miss that winning lottery ticket but I guess that's what I get for trying to pat my head, rub my stomach, and drive at the same time. Live and learn I guess.

Right now you're gonna get a quick rundown of who and what I am before you get to see all my pretty pictures. Currently, I'm engaged to be married and will become stepmom to 2 great children, creating an even bigger family. I'm already the mother of 3 wonderful kids of my own. Of my five children, the oldest is Ashlee, she's 7 and is from Chance's previous marriage. Her brother Dakota is next on the list as he turned 5 in september. Dakota's our only boy. Next on the list is my first born, Alexis, she 4 and we all just call her Lexi for short. My second child is Kayla, she's almost 2 and spends most of her time learning to talk and begging for "tandy"(candy). Last but by no means least is my first child with Chance, Sadira, she's almost 4 months old now.

Hmm....Now for a quick overview of me. In my life i've done a lot of things and made a lot of great friends. I may not look like it but alot of my time nowadays is spent playing Tibia (online RPG that takes way more of my life than I should allow, hehe) and I've made some really good friends there too, including the great guy that made this site for me (thank you fro *hug and kiss*). Soon I'll have pics up of all my friends from there, but if they don't give me pics, I'll just have to kill their characters, hehe.

For all the people that visit my site I'd like to share something as a final note of happiness that I found on the internet. This can bring a smile to even the darkest of hearts. :)

A Gorgeous Lady with a Beautiful Smile: Comment by Fro cause she'd never admit it about herself