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Guru's of Neopia Blinkie Tutorial
  Guru's of Neopia Blinkie Tutorial

Created by Sakurasun88

Welcome! This here is a simple website for you to learn how to make a basic blinkie. For a more advanced way... I'll leave that to your imagination and creativity. Or some other site. The reason forthis site is my idea of making a tutorial for our guild. Initially I was going to do this a LONG time ago, but then I thought, "Hey there's tons out there." Plenty yes, but according to numerous mails I've recieved some people can't under stand those MANY OTHERS. Thus I've created this. My simple attempt to make things easier for everyone ^_^ YAY! And this is based for PC users... Macs can work too.. but I don't know about the programs they have ^_^;; Now shall we get started? OKAY!

Step 1: Equipment

 Microsoft Paint      Jasc Animation Shop 3    Jasc Paint Shop Pro 6 or 7

Have those now? All right. Once you have these two
programs or or done downloading or whatever. We can
move one.

Step 2: Open Microsoft Paint 

You can leave the Animation Shop and Paint Shop Pro
closed for now. You won't be needing them
for a while.

Step 3: Create a Block

Go to View then go to Zoom and
click on Large Size. Or you can simply press
CtrlPgDn. Whatever floats your boat.

Using your image tools, the boxes, lines, coloring,
etc. Make sure it's pretty big becuase
once you go onto normal view It will be
MUCH smaller.
Large View-      Normal View- 

Step 4: Combine

Combine? Combine what? LOL! Well now that you have
your block Copy it. Make as many duplications of it
as you need so you can include the amount
of words you will use. Put the blocks together,
side by side.

Example: For this tutorial I'll be using the word
GURU. In the word Guru There are four
letters. Thus I will need to put
four blocks together. Like so-

Step 5: Add the text

See this isn't so hard now is it? Well anyway, the
next part is to, duh.. add the text.
Using the text tool create a text box. And write the
letters in your word. Make sure the font is
SMALL enough so it will be able to fit nicely.
Choose what font you want to use as well.
It's best to leave spaces between the fonts
so that way they will be easier to move
later on. Also it's a good idea to make a copy of the
letters so you won't need to waste time
redoing them if you mess up. I suggest
Font Helvetica and size 5 or 6.
Can't make them that small? Well then you can
just you these:


If you want to change the color of those simply paste
them onto the Microsoft paint, go to LARGE
VIEW. and recolor them pixel by pixel ;o)

Step 6: Place In

Making a blinkie is rather time consuming ^_^ heh.
The next step would be to place the letters inside the
boxes. To do that use the SELECT tool a drag
each letter to it's proper box. Make sure
your using the slection that bleeds out the white.


Step 7: Duplicate

Simple. Duplicate the imageyou just created the number
of times you need. And in this version of a
blinkie you need a total of Number of blocks you
have + 2 duplicates. So in my case. I have
four blocks. So then I need to make 6 copies.


NOTE: I am aware that this blinkie of mine looks like
utter crap. This is because I'm using all big
fonts that don't look good with such a small
box. O.O;; But it will be easier for all of
you to see what I'm doing. That's another
thing, use your artistic judgment to decide how
your font and blocks are going to go

Step 8: COLOR! WEE!

Do you people know how LONG it's taking to make this
tutorial? BE GRATEFUL! O.o;;; *Ahem* I'm all
better now... really I am.. Anyway this is the
part where we color the blocks so they will be
able to make that "blink" effect later on.

Go to View --> Zoom ---> Large View
In the first set of blocks color ONLY the first
letter. In the second set color ONLY the second.
And you get the pattern. In one of the
extra two sets you have, color ALL the texts in
that set. Leave the other as it is.


Step 9: Transfer and Convert 

EVERYONE CHEER! Your almost done! *throws confetti*

And yes, we are finally using the other two programs
that have been sitting and collecting
dust. Open your paint shop program. Then go back to
the Microsoft paint where all your images are.

Using the SELECT TOOL once again, copy JUST each set
of the blinkie images and paste them into the
PSP. And make sure you crap each one the same
size. Or else in the end oyu'll get this shaky
blinkie that can make you dizzy. @_@

Also keep in mind that when you convert these, convert
them in the order you colored them. It
will make life a little less confusing and easier

Now save each one. IN ORDER. You can do them out of
order.. fine by me, it will just make things
harder for you ;o) And save them like this...
Guru1.gif guru2.gif guru3.gif... and so on. And
MAKE SURE YOU USE GIF!! these images are too
small for JPG. and anything else won't work for ASP.


Step 10: Animate Part I  

Close both Microsoft paint and PSP now. You no longer
need them. And instead open the last
program: Animation Shop

Go to the animation button at the top left hand corner.


Click NEXT. And make sure you have it set up as this-


Now keep moving until you come to selecting speed
part. Once you get there MAKE SURE you have it
on Yes, repeat the animation indefinently
and the selct how fast you
want the frames to pass.


Now click next until you reach the part to select the
images. By clicking the Add Image
button you select all the sets of the blinkie you
had converted earlier. And make sure you select
them in the order you want them as. The last two
sets, the ones where ones all colored and ones
left alone. repeat those about twice each at the
end after choosing the order you wanted the others


Now click finish.

Step 11: Animation Part II  

Go to view and click animation
If you don't like it or something, go back and redo
the parts or speeds you need to change.. And
once that's done go to file, save as.
Once there choose best quality, and then
just keep clicking next until you reach
finish. ^_^ VOILA! DONE!


Step 12: Creativity

And that's how you make a BASIC blinkie. Now you know
the basics, so broaden your mind, exercise
your skills, use your imagination. Twick
this, adjust that. Until you get many
different types and designs of blinkies that you can
call your own.

THAT'S it folks! ^_^ hope it helped you! If you have issues... for some reason.. :o/ you can neomail me with that link at the top of the page *nods* Enjoy! and Have a Nice day!