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The Klaymationist's (Franchise, Kingdom, Domain, Fast Food Chain, Retail Outlet, Bargain Book Sale, Shoe Store, Used Car Emporium, Other)

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the Universe. I was going to explain to you why I decided to make this, but at the moment I don't have a good enough lie. Well, that isn't exactly true... I suppose I could sort of explain why. For one thing, I have a few stories that I would like to publish in anonimity, and I have no other way to do so. Second, I would like to have a way to express myself whilst no one knows who I am. Don't say you weren't warned. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. Just kidding (of course).

This page is constantly under construction, and has been for years, and most likely will never be finished.

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