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Extra Credit Understand the Amendments

Ashley O’Bannon

Understanding the Amendments

  1. A U.S. President decides he wants to run for a third four-year term as President. No, amendment 22
  2. An unscrupulous businessman is holding three legal immigrants in involuntary servitude in exchange for payment to bring them to the United States. No, amendment 13
  3. A suspected criminal is found not guilty on the charges against him. Prosecutors decide to try him again for the same crime but the courts reject the motion. No amendment 7
  4. A 50-year-old steel worker has a glass of champagne at midnight on New Year's Eve 1935. He is arrested for violating Prohibition. No, amendment 21
  5. Certain citizens are turned away at one polling place because of their race and cannot cast their ballots in a hotly contested presidential election. No, amendment 15
  6. A warrant is issued without probable cause and evidence of a crime is collected. A court throws out the evidence during the trial as being unconstitutional. Yes amendment 4
  7. Two senators are elected from each state by the state legislature. They both serve six-year terms. Yes, amendment 17
  8. A group of citizens takes out a permit and hold a peaceful demonstration against the build-up of nuclear weapons. Yes, amendment 1
  9. A defendant is excluded from the courtroom while witnesses who saw her commit the crime testify. This is done to preserve the anonymity of the witnesses. Yes, amendment 5
  10. The House of Representatives votes themselves a pay raise. They must wait until they are re-elected, however, to receive it. Yes, amendment 27