Web Hunt Items

.::WebHunt Work Shet::.

1. A rose. What color________________

2. An antique car. What type___________________

3. A piece of furniture. Which kind_______________________

4. A Dog. Which breed______________________

5. A current event in the news. Title of Article___________________

6. A Wild animal. Which animal___________________

7. Access to a game you can play on the web. Title of game __________________

8. Where you can buy a book. Is it a store or an auction __________________

9. Weather. What is the current temperature outside ____________________

10. A balloon. Which type _____________________

11. A restaurant. Name of restaurant ______________________

12. A plant. Which type ______________________

13. A photo on the web. What was the photo of __________________

14. A marine animal. Which kind __________________

15. Disney world. What was the first thing you saw on the website _____________________

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