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WWelcome to my RealmW


A Place for me to post all my art in one place ^.^  I'm hoping it will be a lot cooler than just posting my art at random places. Some of you might know me as Pink Slytherin others might know me as simply James but either way its still me and the artwork is still all the same. Yay to me lol. Well I hope you enjoy your visit into my world of pandemonium and stuff.


W My Harry Potter Fan Art W

Originally Titled "Hermione looking lovely in the library" Hermione is caught in the library Holding a book and looking well.. beautiful. He cloths look as though she was headed out to a dance and decided to take some time to sop in the library before heading out to her big night.

Ron and Hermione on there way somewhere a dance perhaps? Hermione is still wearing her dressy robes that she was caught in earlier that night while she was in the library. Maybe now her and Ron are headed out for a wonderful night that might end in romance.

This Picture was inspired by the movie Chicago I wanted to make Hermione and Ginny Looks sexy and about ready to do a number. I love Hormone's Fishnets I think they came out looking rather nice. I hope that you like how I portrayed this dynamic duo ^.^

A quick sketch that I drew in my chem. class I think it turned out nicely ^.^ I could do more with it if people asked me but I think it has a unique quality on its own.

I drew this picture one night when I was just thinking about how sad it would be to loose someone that you love. this picture is one of my favorites because it shows Cedric and Cho's love not as  a fully passionate love but as a pure existence of true emotions it might even make you think of lost innocence. You can see that they were  great friends as well as a couple so its easy to tell that Cho has lost someone special in her life.

Looky!!! Snape's so little. Lol I guess this is a picture of Snape back in the day. just a younger him glaring as snape usually dose. When I first did this I really didn't have an age for him but at Artistic Alley People said he looked like he was in the marauder era so i figured what they heck. ^.^


W My Harry Potter OC's W

James Ann Maloy

James Sitting


"The Quidditch Affairs"


W My Original Art W



Mel and GK


W My Gift Art W

Curently None

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