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    Juan Sumulong Elementary School follows the education curriculum* prescribed by the Department of Education. The DepEd curriculum stands on the conviction that functional literacy in its comprehensive meaning is the ability that is most essential for lifelong learning in our world. Filipino learners who attain functional literacy will have sufficient self-discipline, which can lead to sustainable accomplishments when combined with our people's innate adaptability to change. With functional literacy, Filipino learners can do self-regulated learning, and with enough motivation, they on their own can seek sources of knowledge, read instructional materials, and conduct explorations on other subject matters or topics that interest them.

    The curriculum aims at empowering the Filipino learner to be capable of self-development throughout one's life and to be patriotic, benevolent, ecologically aware, and godly. This overall aim entails the acquisition of life skills, a reflective understanding and internalization of principles and values, and the development of multiple intelligences.

Objectives of Elementary Education Curriculum

   Elementary education shall aim to develop the spiritual, moral, mental and physical capabilities of the child, provide him with experiences in the democratic way of life, and inculcate ideas and attitude necessary for enlightened, patriotic, upright and useful citizenship. To achieve these objectives, elementary education curriculum shall provide for the:

  1. inculcation of spiritual and civic values and the development of a good Filipino based on an abiding faith in God and genuine love of country;

  2. training of the young citizen in his rights, duties and responsibilities in a democratic society for active participation, in a progressive and productive home and community life;

  3. development of basic understanding about Philippine culture, the desirable tradition and virtues of our people as essential requisites in attaining national consciousness and solidarity;

  4. teaching of basic health knowledge and the formation of desirable health habits and practices;

  5. development of functional literacy, in Pilipino and in English as basic tools for further learning; and

  6. acquisition of fundamental knowledge, attitudes, habits, and skills in science, civics, culture, history, geography, mathematics, arts, and home economics and livelihood education and their intelligent application in appropriate life situations.

        The Elementary Basic Education Curriculum focuses on the tool learning areas for an adequate development of competencies for learning how to learn.



       English as a subject is concerned with developing competencies in listening, speaking, reading and writing among learners. Pupils achieve the desired level of competence when they are motivated to learn and use the language. The specific skills constituting these competencies shall be developed to the point of mastery in communication situations using varied materials.    

     Science and Health concepts will be used as content in English for Grades I and II but not to the extent of neglecting the content in the English books for the grade. The learner shall be taught appropriate literary materials such as jingles, rhymes, poems, dialogues, stories, etc. suited to their grade level and interest. 



      Science and health is introduced as a separate learning area in Grade III. This learning area aims to help the Filipino child gain a functional understanding of science concepts and principles linked with real-life situations and acquire science skills, as well as scientific attitudes and values needed in solving everyday problems pertaining to health and sanitation, nutrition, the environment and conservation. 

       Teaching strategies that may be used in teaching science and health concepts are inquiry learning, practical work approach, and cooperative learning.




         Mathematics  provides  learners with opportunities in the acquisition of skills and competencies necessary to  gain  understanding and appreciation of the subject. 

         The specific content for each grade level are as follows:    

·        Grades 1 and 2 include the study of whole numbers, addition and subtraction, basic facts of multiplication and division, basic concepts of geometry, fractions, metric and local measurements, the use of money, and the application of these concepts to practical problems based on real life activities.

·        Grades 3 and 4 deal w/ the study of whole numbers, the four fundamental operations, fractions and decimals including money, angles, plane figures, measurement and graphs.

·        Grades 5 and 6 learners are expected to have mastered the four fundamental operations of whole numbers, performed skills in decimals and fractions, and learned the meaning of ratio and proportion, percent, integers, simple probability, polygons, spatial figures, measurement and graphs. Simple concepts in Algebra are also introduced but will be articulated in high school.

          Mathematics teaching shall encourage learners to learn through hands-on and minds-on or manipulate and interactive activities. Pupils learn on their own, explore, discover, generalized and apply what they learned in their daily lives. These activities shall be made effective by using appropriate teaching strategies/ approaches/ techniques and adequate instructional materials.




            This learning area provides for the development of competencies in listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking in Filipino. Listening competencies include such skills as auditory discrimination and comprehension. Speaking includes pronunciation, use of expressions and grammatical structures. Reading includes vocabulary development, recognition, comprehension and study skills, and Writing includes handwriting skills, composition and mechanics.

                For effective teaching, the specific skills shall be developed using different learning situations and varied materials to the point of mastery. Children shall be taught appropriate literary materials such as jingles, rhymes, poems, dialogs, etc. suited to the grade.

               Sibika at Kultura (Civic and Culture) concepts may be used as content for Filipino in Grades I-III.

              It is expected that the basic literacy skills have already been mastered in the three grades.





             Makabayan is the laboratory of life, or an experiential learning area which consists of Sibika at Kultura/Heograpiya (Geography), Kasaysayan (History) at Sibika SK/HKS; Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (Home Economics); Musika (Music), Sining (Arts) at Edukasyon sa Pagpapalakas ng Katawan (Physical Education). Makabayan learning area provides the balance as it addresses primarily societal needs. This is where the learner can apply practical knowledge and life skills and demonstrate deeper appreciation of Filipino culture. Thus, it emphasizes the development of self-reliant and patriotic citizens as well as the development of critical and creative thinking.

             Makabayan  as a learning area shall feature a stronger integration of competencies and values within and across its learning area component and the tool learning areas. It shall use integrative teaching approaches where appropriate and relevant for a more holistic learning.

             MSEP shall be integrated in Sibika at Kultura I - III. These can be used either as springboard or outcome of the lesson. But if there's a need to formally teach the elements of Music, Arts and Physical Education the teacher can do so. Hence, the teacher can use some of the time alloted for MAKABAYAN.

             EPP Teachers are expected at the beginning of the school year to prepare a schedule of the learning strands based on the PELC that shall be taught each grading period. Although 40 minutes daily are allotted to EPP as one teaching block, the school may design alternative longer time schedule of 120 minutes per day to give enough time for hands-on exploratory work once or twice a week. This can be done through careful planning and coordination with the other teachers of the MAKABAYAN components( HKS and MSEP) .    


* The 2002 Basic Education Curriculum

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