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Stephanie and George



Disclaimer: I don't own George as he is a character from the Harry Potter books and he belongs to JK Rowling. But I own Stephanie and basically everything else.

Summary: George goes on exchange to a Muggle School and meets a girl there.


Chapter 4

Stephanie stepped into the common room at exactly 7pm. She had been locked in the dorm since lunch being blushed a shadowed by her sister. The common room was empty. Where was he? She sat down in an armchair by the fire and was starting to drop off to sleep when something make her sit up and take notice again. A human head popped up in the middle of the fire. It looked around
"Opps, wrong exit?" apologized the head. Stephanie just stared at it. It was amazing. It had flaming red hair and lots of freckles. She estimated he was about 40.
"Bye" it said and it disappeared as quickly as it had come. Stephanie was worried 
"What if i'm loosing my mind" she whispered to herself, but before she could dwell on the fact that she was crazy George rushed into the room.
George was still apologizing when they reached the cafe
"Don't worry" Stephanie said for the 50th time "You weren't that late". 
"What would you like?" he asked
"Just a coke thanks" she answered
Stephanie made her way through the crowd to a table in the corner. As she sat down she noticed a familiar shoe at the next table. She looked up and there was Claudia and Jeremy, obviously there for morale support, she waved at them. When George came back and sat down they started talking
"I hate to tell you this" mumbled George "but i'm only here till the end of the term. I've been here since the middle of the year on an exchange program"
"Oh" Stephanie sighed "So your gonna leave me soon"
"Yes. I'm really sorry" George apologized
"It's okay. Lets make the most of what we have" she suggested. They both smiled and Stephanie kept talking. This time she told George about the head she saw. He looked tense
"Did he say anything?" he inquired
"They seemed to mention that they were in the wrong place" she said "He looked real but I must've imagined it. It's not possible for a head to appear in a fire. Maybe it was the light or something?" 
"Yeah Maybe" was the only thing he said. The waitress returned with their drinks. When Stephanie was happily sipping on her drink George asked her the question
"I'm going back home this weekend" he said "My brothers and sister are coming up to Grandma's house and i'm going to see them" 
"That's cool. Do you miss them" 
"Not really, but what i wanted to ask you is; Do you want to come and meet them?"
"Okay. Sounds like fun"
"Great! Grandma's going to pick us up on Saturday morning and she'll drop us back at school on Sunday in the afternoon. Is that okay?"
"That's perfect" said Stephanie as they finished off their drinks. They walked back to school talking about their siblings.
"What happened?" came the excited voice of her sister as Stephanie entered their dormitory "Do you like him? Are you going out again? Did he kiss you?" 
"Go away Claud" Stephanie mumbled "I'm so tired"
"Well, was it a good night?"
"It was okay for a first date"
"Not like you would know" teased Claudia "Anyway, are you gonna see him again?"
"Yeah, I hope so"
"Awwww... young love, aint it grand" said Claudia as they both got into bed.


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