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The Wizard Post

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The Books

+ Book 1
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+ Book 5


Movie Magic

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Wizard World

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Welcome to The Wizard Post

This is an unoffical Harry Potter website. It is meant for updates on Harry Potter news and other Harry Potter information. It works best with Internet Explorer with a resolution of 1024 x 768. However, I'm pretty sure it should look fine on anyone's computer. Those settings just happen to be what my computer is on. Please enjoy the site.

News/ updates

CoS images:

Two images from the upcoming CoS movie were found at the USA Today website.

posted Wednesday, June 12, 2002 by Reichiru

CoS Trailer:

Well, the teaser for the teaser trailer is online. Go to to see it.
posted Wednesday, June 12, 2002 by Reichiru

CoS Movie Release:

The second Harry Potter movie is to be released November 15th 2002. That's my birthday! The cast list has grown even more extensive with the introduction of new characters. For a full summery and cast list, go HERE.
posted Thursday, May 23, 2002 by Reichiru

Fan Features

+ Fan Art
+ Fan Fiction





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