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Snape stiffled a yawn as he stood slowly, abandoning the work laying infront of him strewn out across his desk.
He glanced towards the hour-glass upon one of the many shelves in the room, nodded to himself as he walked towards the large oak door and swung it open, motioning for the students waiting outside to enter, and muttered a simple.."Sit down and shut up".
He waited until all the students were inside, and gave a faint, almost kind natured smirk towards the slytherin students who came in, and sneered against the Gryffindor students, staring at them with a glare.
He left the door open as he headed back towards his desk, turning to face the class he said "I see some of you have rather melted cauldrons. I suggest you buy new ones as quickly as possibly.
But for now, they can be repaired- I hope you all know how to do so. If not, then you will just have to cope with a melted cauldron and pray your potion does not leak out".
A smirk creeped across his lips at the thought of such a thing* "This lesson will consist of brewing your own Ignitus potion and recording a written account of how you make it.
These type of potions can be incredibly difficult for ones who do not understand what they're dealing with, so I've started you off on a basic one.
Ingredients needed will be on Page 449 of your books. Now get started." He listened in silence as there was a rustle of students who reached for parchments, quills and books, his eyes still stared back and forth across the class, as though seeking for prey.
A grim expression was set upon his features, his boredom quite apparant. He raised his voice slightly to be heard over the quiet bustle of the class "Most will find that you are short of some ingredients, but no worries.. There's plenty to go around."
He narrowed his eyes in a sadistic pleasure as he heard odd groans of dismay from the students.
He kept walking around the room, searching for a reason to take away points from gryffindor.
When the period was nearingits ending he assigned them homework.


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