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Part of QueenStrata's fanfiction site, this is reserved expressly for guest writers and/or artists. I'm not going to let just anyone put stuff on here, though. I'm putting this mainly for some certain people, particularly fellow writers from that I frequently talk to and people that want to do one of my challenges but don't have any place to put it. But that's only for the writers. I'll post pretty much any fanart up here if you ask. ^^ Well, unless you want to send me a special nifty present thing. Which, come to think of it, you probably won't want to do. ^^; Oh, yes, and depending on my mood, I can be subject to bribery. You'll just have to figure out what you can actually bribe me with. ::smirks::



Site Disclaimer: Don't own them and all that wonderful junk. It's up on the original index of my page, so who really cares?