
Key Capability

Michael Grevis

in Cambridge U.K.

Rediscover the keys to your peace of mind

Brief counselling from the human givens

Relaxation workshops


Human Givens Brief Therapy

Human Givens Brief Therapy offers practical help that deals swiftly with mental and emotional distress in the here and now. It is solution-oriented and directed at the future not the past. It avoids being over-concerned with exploring painful emotional history as research shows conclusively that negative rumination tends to confuse and upset vulnerable people, and embeds them deeper into their problem state. There is a growing body of evidence that shows that Human Givens therapy is improving the quality of people’s lives, often in dramatic and surprising ways, and with a minimum of therapist involvement.

The Human Givens approach to psychological health is flexible and modelled on the person seeking help. It uses many effective techniques drawn from the fields of cognitive, interpersonal, behavioural, and narrative therapies together with relaxation and guided imagery. It is built on the latest findings from a range of scientific fields, most notably the recent discoveries of how the brain works. Human Givens therapists work on identifiying what emotional needs are not being met, and what stressors are disrupting the client’s life. We explore ways to meet those needs in the present and the future, and to reduce the burden of stress. We may draw on the key natural and learnt capabilities of the human mind/body system, relationships, and the environment. Each session, including the first, is designed to leave the client feeling better than before. We find that once hope and positive goals are established, progress can be extremely swift.

Our Key Capability

Our Key Capability is uniquely human: we can modify our own nature. We can rediscover that we are learning throughout life, that we can make improvements in our lives and relationships, and, crucially, that we can laugh. We can adjust our outlook to the challenges of changing times. The key is to keep moving forward towards our goal, maintaining our sense of balance. Our peace of mind begins to return as we become more objective about our difficulties, and more committed to our solutions.


The Key Capability Service

I work in a very flexible way to support private clients, or patients referred from a G.P. I travel to see people in a venue of their choice, or, by appointment, at the Cambridge Complementary Health Centre. Practical and informative workshops about relaxation and stress control are also available.

Key Capability contact details for advice or feedback

Website: www.keycapability.co.uk
Email: michael@keycapability.co.uk
Mobile phone: 07729 061 096
Correspondence address:
Michael Grevis, Key Capability, 46 Cottenham Road, Histon, Cambridge CB4 9ES

Michael Grevis is registered with the Human Givens Institute (MHGI) and the British Institute of Hypnotherapy (MBIH).


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About Human Givens Therapy

Human Givens Institute


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