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This web-site is for people that like to see pictures of attractive women smoking cigarettes.
Unless otherwise indicated I am the photographer taking the photos of these beautiful smokers.

There will be NO NUDITY on any of the pages contained within,
so do not waste your time, if that is all you are searching for.

Although there is no nudity contained within my pages, I suggest you do not enter unless you are at least 18 years of age
because smoking is a self destructive habit best left to ADULTS who understand the risks of the choices they make in life.

If you are an ADULT over the age of 18, and you would like to continue, please click the enter button below.
If you are not an adult 18 or older, or if you are not sure you should be here, please click the EXIT button below.

If you have any questions or comments about this page,
please send them to....