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Marcus Flint: The Descendant of the Uruk-hai

After watching the extended version of FOTR, it hit me. Legolas is, I already knew that...I mean, Marcus Flint is a descendant of the Uruk-hai. For those who have been living under a rock and haven't seen LOTR, or just can't remember what the Uruk-hai is, I'll tell you. They are those really ass-ugly Orc creatures that are meaner, tougher, uglier, and scarier than just plain Orcs. And after careful observations of both habit patterns of subject A: Uruk-hai and subject B: Marcus Flint, I have come to the hypothesis that Marcus Flint is descended from them.

The first piece of evidence: Looks

At first glance, you may be going, WTF? But upon closer inspection, you will begin to see many similarities.

The Sneering Mouth
Both MF and the UH have the same sneer. It is an open mouthed look, with one side of the lips raised slightly. MF's lips are raised on the right side, and the UH's lips are raised on the left. They both are carrying the same sneer and look.

The Teeth
Look closely at their teeth. They both have large, crooked, nasty teeth. Which also plays into the both of them having the *exact* same expression on their face. The nose and the lines around their mouths are very similiar.

The Eyes
They both have the shady look in their eyes. One eye, the right for both subjects, is slightly more closed than the other, though it is much more noticeable in the UH.

Though MF may appear much more cleaner and more human-like, I think that is given only to evolution. I mean, the battle for Middle Earth was going on like a bazillion years ago, so the UH have evolved a whole helluva lot.

The next most convincing piece of evidence is the way they talk. MF and the UH both have very similar speech patterns.

The evidence for this is overwhelming. Here are sound clips from both subjects forms of communication.
Marcus Flint Uruk-Hai

As you notice from the sound clips above, both MF and UH express a lot of anger in their speech. They both have the dark, sinister, "i'm a monster from another realm" sound about them. They sound so similar that it is very easy to see how the UH could quite possibly be the great-great-great^1000 grandfather of Marcus Flint.

JK always did say that he looked "trollish", but who says he doesn't look Orcish? Maybe that's what she had in mind, but since she had copped trolls, spider-creatures, ect. from LOTR, why not some descendants of the Orcs?? But I definitely think that MF is an UH. Too bad Harry doesn't have sting around, or he could see if it was glowing blue when Marcus Flint was around...hmm...