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Band Bio

Welcome to Gaia's Ghost Online. This site is all about the strange band, Gaia's Ghost. Formed on New Year's Eve '99, in the wake of Y2k, the band jammed and hasn't stopped. Since then the band has grown and created a sound like no other. From rock to funk, reggae to blues, Gaia's Ghost is one of the best rockin-blues trippin-funk bands around.

To check out some pics from the Battle of the Bands from May 17th click here.

3.21.06 Our new cd, Gaia's Ghost IV, just keeps getting more and more complex. As of right now we have 14 songs done with at least a few more songs to be recorded. Let's hope the world can handle all the Gaia's Ghost we are about to inject into society.

12.2.05 We are still currently working on Gaia's Ghost IV, which we are hoping will be completed over the upcoming winter break. Other than that, don't be suprised to see us playing some shows later this month or early January.

7.7.05 We played a rousing set at Meat Feast 2005 on Monday, those lucky enough to see this unplanned performance were graced with songs off of the upcoming album. In the meantime, here is a buddy icon for all you AIMers out there.

6.10.05 Plans for a double disc album have been drawn up. So far there are 22 songs making an appearance on the album. Working title is Gaia's Ghost IV, with each disc having its own name, The Sands of Time (Disc 1) and A Rocket Through Tomorrow (Disc 2). More Info to Come. Rock on!

5.20.05 Working on a possible double-disc album and working with a new singer named Quin(n?). Also, developing a live show because we are planning on playing live soon.

4.24.05 Currently we are in search of a singer. . Besides that we have been writing some new songs. For the Summer, we will be recording other bands and recording our new CD.

1.18.05 As many of our fans have noticed a name is missing from the band members. That would be the name of ex-singer Ben Baber, who officially left the band sometime in autumn. We are back to the original line-up. Rock on.

1.08.05 Our new album is now finished. Nine songs are on it; We Cum to Rock, The Garden in the Church, Baroda, The Composition of Gaia, Dressed to Kill, Will You Dance?, One More Day One More Dollar, The Whelk, and Tender Rain. Be sure to see one of us for your copy!

12.17.04 Today begins the recording of a new CD. We'll be back once we are done.

11.22.04 A week ago Gaia's Ghost play together for the first time in 3 months. Was it rough, yes. Did it rock, yes. But we actually meshed right back together and the magic was still there. We continue to plan our new release. Now you may sayins, all the other bands take months to record a demo, how are you going to get yours done in less than three weeks? Well, they don't call us musicians and magicians for nothing. lol Anywho, we've added another song on to the demo. Keep checking back, you never know what going to happen...

10.31.04 New Demo in the making. In early December we will be returning to the studio and recording new songs. The release date will hopefully be our 5 year anniversary in January 2005. As of now 8 songs are due to be released, 5 of which have never been heard, the other three were played at the Ghost's June 18th show at Czars. So unless you were there, these are entirely new. Come back for more updates and changes.

9.13.04 Well sadly to say, Tom never booked us to play over Labor Day Weekend like he said he did. Ouch. Sorry guys, it was out of our hands. Anywho, there's a new song in the Music section, Tender Rain, very good, and a new Feature that has info on every song we've ever put together. Check it out,and keep checking here for the next show, which could be up in East Lansing! Rock on.

8.16.04 We've recorded two new songs, We Cum to Rock, the name says it all, and Tender Rain, a very mood setting song. Hopefully they will be up in the music section sooner than later. Also rumors have it Labor Day Weekend sometime at Czar's.

7.13.04 It's taken a long time but songs are now available in the music section. There are 17 original songs, some are older others newer. Either way it's Gaia's Ghost music, and it rocks.

6.28.04 Working on two new songs, We Come to Rock and Honey Bee Mirage, a ballsy hard rock attack, and a disco techno dance groove. We don't know lol.

6.11.04 We'll be playing with Terrapin Flyer, a Grateful Dead jam band, on the 18th of June, that's in a week at Czar's, so we expect everyone to put on their Sunday best and come rock out with the funk master, tone master, riff master, and groove master on this eventful show. We'll be playing some new songs, and introducing a keyboard into the mix by Adam.

5.21.04 Well, we have another show at Czar's on the 18th of June, and it turns out we don't need to win a battle of the bands to play Venetian. That's sweet.

5.13.04 We lost the Battle of the Bands, ouch. Oh well, you'll have that. Most notable things: we rocked, had outfits of destruction, and a drum solo. No one else had that.

4.26.04 The show on the 16th was sweetness. Loaded with energy, it was one of our best so far!! And from what I've heard the drum solo in Dressed to Kill was described by some as "the best I've seen live!" So all in all it was a great show. We hope to playing somewhere real soon, but if not Battle of the Bands is coming May 8th!!! We'll be playing with some local favorites, Flunking Maturity and The Trio, and some FIPS!!!!! arrgh FIPS! Defection and Ender.
Battle of the Bands Website
Flunking Maturity's Website
Defection's Website
See what we are facing!

4.14.04 Come check us out at Czars this friday, the 16th, we'll be opening for Huckleberry Groove, an 8 piece band from Lansing, should be fun. So why dont you come out and rock!

3.26.04 Hey what a suprise! As soon as we think there is nothing going we get booked for two more shows at Czars!!!! We will be opening for some sweet bands, and hopefully we will be headlining soon enough!

3.24.04 Not much is going on, just working on new songs and getting shows. Rock on. Agita et Volve!

2.9.04 Good news follow Ghosts, Gaia's Ghost will be playing at two night, yes I said a TWO night stand at the Blue Note, a bar up in Muskegon. We'll be playing the 27th and 28th of Feb. More info to come.

1.24.04 Last night was bad ass, Gaia's Ghost rocked Czars to its foundation and then some! Everyone loved it, or so I think. It feels good to know that rock is still alive and well. And Ghosts, Gaia's Ghost will be getting info about playing at Czars sometime soon.

1.4.04: The day has finally arrived, Gaia's Ghost will be playing a show with the Ghettobillies at Czars on Friday January 23rd! Everyone needs to get down there cuz I know there is nothing to do in St. Joe on a friday night, so get to Czars and see us!

11.16.03: In two weeks we will be heading to an actual recording stdio in Muskegon to cut a demo CD. So far our plans are to record Sector Seven, The Mercator Project, Prysmatic Shroom, The Legend of the Sleepy Lagoon, and a new hard blues song entitled Silence on the Rainbow. Five of our best songs, should turn out to be the best music to come out to the people in a long long long time.