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News Flashes!

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Band BiosConcerts - Past, Present, and Future...ImagesLyrics
The Foot Clan: Official Freetoed FanclubMerchMusic


Well folks, we did it... we finished the first record. 9 tracks to groove to. We've got some great guest musicians on there and are really excited about getting our music out there to all of you. Let us know if you'd like to purchase a copy!


Don't forget to vote for the bassist of your choice, check out the small updates on the band bios page and just surf around. You never know what you'll find.

Tell us what you think about the band and site or just what your favorite vegetable is in our guestbook. See what others are saying, debate, hang out, whatever... just check it out!

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Thank you for visiting the freetoed homepage. Updates soon. Please visit our page again! If you're having a party or event and would like some sweet tuneskies to make the evening divine just click the email link below to get in contact with us or call us by telephone if you are our friend and know our numbers...
