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Funny THings Said on Fish Message Boards

If you find any more funny fish message board questons email them to me or mike.

400 watt Radium owners, what ballast are you using?--------- I was physically assulted by my firefish--------- Came home after vacationing 1 week and what did I find?----------- Let's see pics of your sumps!------------ Do you ever have to give your fish a Bath?--------- Is my tank breaking?!?!-------- Will garlic help my sick tang?-------- Quick Heavy Green Algea Growth on Glass----------- DAMN SKIMMER! I'm tired of this!!!!-------- what happened to my tang???----------- Cooling my 120 canopy----------- i just watched my cuke take a s#!t...---------- Ideas for sump - what to put in...---------- Did you see Blue Planet last week???---------- Peppermint shrimps what do they do wrong?---------- 3 months out of water and still alive!----------- Mushroom polips, how to control------------ Is my Plate Coral infected with Brown Jelly???----------- list of fishes that are compatible with cowfish-------- ------- I hate looking under my tank!---------- Help Has My Mooly Got Velvet Disease? --------- My Discus Acting weird.!!! Help --------------- Should I flush the little guy? ---------- High ammonia! Cloudy water! Help!! -------- New tank cloudy water after one day ------- What color should my Water Be?---------- When will cycle end and fish stop dieing? -------- Is THIS a good idea? ------------- How often should I be fertilizing my 55 planted tank?--------- Why isn't my water blue like on the TV?--------- My tank is leaking what should i do?--------------- I have 2 red bellied Piranas and when ever i put a new fish in the tank, The next morning it's gone. Where are they going?----------- Could he be dieing? ------------- Tiger Barb whats the Difference between Male and Female???------------ do different fish need different temperatures??------------ Can Ich kill my fish?------------ help me my fish are dying!! ----------- HOW DO I GET MY BETA PREGNANT???------------ is my beta fish ok? if not, HELP----------------- what kind of fish can u put n a new fresh water aquarium----------- Can you finger print your fish?-------- Do fish no they are in an aqurium?-------------