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Under the Stairs

Under the Stairs in the Aes Sedai Alter Room in Bone Orchard

Inside the alter room on in the Aes Seadai alter room there are stairs that lead up to the 5 TA along the wall. Did you know that there is a secret place under there were you can hide seals at?

Well all you have to do to get the seals is walk up to the bottom of the stairs and just shift down. You will know if you make it cause it screws up your screen a little bit. There is no need to jump, just look almost straight down and shift.

Now, getting out is sorta hard. On Bone294B, you can not shift out the side. You must shift up from were you shifted down out. Although if you are playing on the forst Bone Orchard Battle2_03, than you can shift out the side.

This is the only stairs you can shift under. The other side is non-shiftable.

The Column edits in the TA room on Heresy WhiteCloak

The Lamps in Aes Sedai Secret Room on Outposts

The Lamps in Forsaken near alter on Outposts

The Lamps in Forsaken Secret Room in Heresy

The columns located in the Forsaken base

Under the Stairs in Aes Sedai

A Shift to the Column on the Aes Sedai Roof

The Beginning

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