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Forsaken TA spots

The Lamps in the Forsaken Secret Room in Heresy 3

I am sure you know of the secret room in heresy3 on the forsaken side. Well if you walk in there and look up at the walls above the little ledge, there is a lamp. There is 1 lamp on each side that you can get on. (Remember that you must have your detail settings very high to see these lamps) Somtimes people place seals on top of the wall above the lamp. All you have to do to get the seal is get on top of the lamp. The way you do this, is you stand on the oppisite side that the seal is on. Then you stand directly in front of the lamp. (you are on the ledge) You jump, and in the peek of your shift, you shift towards the lamp.

Now, if they have a firewall under that lamp, than it is going to be very difficult to shift there. Depending on the actual location of the firewall than you may or may not be able to shift there at all. If they have a firewall under the lamp, all you need to do is jump to the ledge that the seal is above and fireball jump your self to the seal. (The FIREWALL will not hurt you although depending if friendly fire is on or not the fireball may) The way you do a fireball jump is look straight down and as soon as you jump shoot a fireball. That will launch you in the air and hopefully you will land on the seal.

The Column edits in the TA room on Heresy WhiteCloak

The Lamps in Aes Sedai Secret Room on Outposts

The Lamps in Forsaken near alter on Outposts

The Lamps in Forsaken Secret Room in Heresy

The columns located in the Forsaken base

Under the Stairs in Aes Sedai

A Shift to the Column on the Aes Sedai Roof

The Beginning

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