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Roof Shift

Aes Sedai roof shift in Bone Orchard

As you may know, if you go down the stairs a little ways on Aes Sedai in Bone Orcahrd, you can shift down from near the portal to the alter room.

Well you can also shift from the roof into two of the four columns located in the corners. (In my opinion purple is the easist, because I have only been able to do the red lamp a few times) Stand beside the lmap and look downward at the floor and shift.

It is a very precise shift so it may take a little work to find. There are more ways to get into the columns.

The Column edits in the TA room on Heresy WhiteCloak

The Lamps in Aes Sedai Secret Room on Outposts

The Lamps in Forsaken near alter on Outposts

The Lamps in Forsaken Secret Room in Heresy

The columns located in the Forsaken base

Under the Stairs in Aes Sedai

A Shift to the Column on the Aes Sedai Roof

The Beginning

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