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caption contest

Submit a funny caption for the pic below, my favorite one will be posted here permanently! ^^ Once I get a caption I like, member or not, I'll post it! Have fun!

Your Name:
Your Email:

Caption 8

Winning captions (i couldn't choose just one^^):
"I have chosen to rename the Baghdad airport after my dad. Bushdad Airport. Heh heh heh."
Caption by: Lasting Magic

"Anybody for some Xtreme paintball?"
Caption by: Duchelle

George Dubya Bush:"Phew! Gandalf! I can smell you all of of the way from the bottom of the page!"
Caption by: meeko

"I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war."

George Bush
Guardian Unlimited
January 27, 2002
Caption from: Lasting Magic

Caption 7

Winning caption:
Orc: I'm your dentist- please sit down!
Caption by: Narmir

Caption 6

Winning caption:
Caption by: Narmir

Caption 5

Winning caption:
Frodo: "Ew..there is something in my teeth.."
Caption by: annonymous

Caption 4

Winning caption:
Sarumon: *watches lottery channel* come on, come on lucky number come on....
Announcer guy on the lottery channel: And the lucky number is.... 666666
Sarumon: YES! YES! I WON! YEAH!!!! *eye twitches* YEAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Caption by: Me, Andrea. since no1 ever submitted one! O.o

Caption 3

Winning caption:
Soldier:" I am most greatful for this protecting helmit. It blocks out Elrond's BAD BREATH! I thought Elves used tic tacs."
caption by: Miss Tugger

Caption 2

Winning caption:
Pippin: what happened?
Merry: Gandalf had the bean burrito
Gandalf(off screen): oops it sliped! *laughs hystericly*
caption by: Danny

Caption 1

Winning caption:
*Legolas* I think we should....what is Boromir doing?
*Aragorn*Ooooo....look at the pretty birdy!
*Boromir*(off screen) I'm a pretty lady!!!!!!!!!!


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