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Mariah Meet And Greet Review

Ok Here Goes! October 9th! I found out I had won to go to New York to be one of the guest at Mariah's New York Meet & Greet! I was beyond thrilled. Well October 22nd. The day of the meet and greet! I got up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready to go to New York! My mom's sister Sherry went with me as my guest! My mom Elizabeth (Bianca) was going to go but she wanted my Aunt Sherry to go! So I went to my Aunt's house and we were on our way to New York! I stayed in New york at the Excelsior Hotel right across the street from the Hayden Planetarium where the meet and greet would be held at! It was awesome. So the day started out! First we went for lunch at Uno's in New York! It's a really cool place. Then we went to the Planetarium. My Aunt Sherry had already been to the Hayden Planetarium a few times. So we went over to the planetarium after lunch and we toured the museum! It is the American Museum of Natural History! The Frederick Phineas & Sandra Priest Rose Center for Earth and Space is where the listening party was help! It is 120-foot-high, 333,500 square-foot facility! It is incredible. Well during our visit at the museum we saw a few guys bringing in sound equipment fro later in the evening! Equipment which would be used to play Mariah's songs on for the meet and greet! It was cool.... So after touring the museum and taking pictures. We went back to our hotel and got ready! We left at around 5:45 or 6 pm? I don't remember. We arrived and went to the side entrace of the museum and we saw a crowd gathering. I knew right away they had to be what else but "Mariah fans" : ) We went over and my Aunt Sherry and I talked a lot of really cool people. I met Jimmy from WildWritings.Com and his Mom!!! They were both so nice and really cool to hang out with! We all were standing outside. I also met Nicole from and Liron! They were both really nice. We were told that no camera's or recording devices were allowed inside. So after they told us that we were asked to go two by two inside. We went into one part of the museum. They were serving refreshements and had Mariah's music playing! We were all standing around talking! So many nice people were there. We were talking to Jimmy and his mom and I spotted Michael Richardson. Everyone go and talk to him and my Aunt Sherry grabbed my arm and said oh come on I'll Talk to him! So she went up to Michael and I followed her. She said Mr. Richardson and introduced herself. He was really cool to her and she made him laugh! I talked him then and showed him my picture from when I first met Mariah on November 15, 1997 and he smiled and said yes I remeber you. I was there!!! So that was cool! Then we were off talking to people again! And we were told to line up in groups of 10. Outta no where in came Mariah! She looked stunning! She had a black dress on with high black boots. She gestured towards the fans to come over to her. She was talking to everyone and signing cd, pictures things of that nature for the fans! And then my Aunt Sherry spoke to her and handed Mariah her little butterfly Christmas tree ornament she had gotten at the museum for Mariah! She spoke with Mariah for a few minutes and she stood with me as I went up to Mariah and said hello! She took the picture of her and I from me and said I just talked to you on the phone. I know you and she was smiling. She said Janel!!! I said yes! She signed the picture and she said Oh your walking now. That is good. I said I was happy to see her. She yelled for Louise to come over and Louise came over and Mariah said Look Janel is walking! Mariah also said to Louise remember she could not walk for a long time. Louise talked to me for a minute and I said thank you and I gave her the Fan Book for Mariah and she said I am so happy for you. Mariah was amazing as always. She was funny and she looked great! After the meet and greet we all took group photos. It was awesome. Mariah left and said Bye everybody! A few people thought the event was over. But after a while. We were all taken to the Rose Center. in The Hayden Planetarium. We were all seated and on the ceiling of the Rose Center , they had butterflies and Mariah Carey Charmbracelt coming December 2002! As we were all seated, the rest of the people came up and were seated. Then Mariah was brought upstairs and seated in the front row with Shawn McDonald and Lyor Cohen! She was seated along with many other VIP's Including Noami Campbell, Trey Lorenz, Execs from MonarC and Universal!!! Also Randy Jackson sat a few rows to the left of me!!! Louise and Michael were also there!!! Lyor Cohen thanked everyone and introduced Mariah's album and said it was great to have her with them!!! I also spotted Tatum Tots!!! Mary Ann Tatum! She walked right by my Aunt Sherry! My Aunt got up again to go to the rest room before Mariah came in and she walked right by all the record company execs and Mary Ann Tatum! They started off playing "Yours" and the ceiling of the Rose Center was incredible. It was so unreal to be there. We heard "Oh Boy" "Clowns" "Bringing On The HeartAche" "My Saving Grace" A lot of amazing songs! People cheered and yelled! It was great! When it was over Mariah thanked everyone and everyone left! As we were leaving one of the record company guys asked my Aunt Sherry and I what the exact name of the building we were just in was called. We told him and he said thank you! Also the security guards were walking around yelling for Shawn Mc Donald! Mariah's nephew. My Aunt Sherry and I left and walked around the front where the rest of the fans were gathered and as Mariah left I got a picture of her limo and she waved to me and my Aunt Sherry and the limo driver beeped at us :) as Mariah waved bye. She left and drove right past our hotel then!!! : ) It was freakin cool! My Aunt Sherry and I then went back to Uno's to get something to eat! We ran into Jimmy and his mom again! Jimmy was carrying his giant Mariah Carey poster around he had gotten from the event! We all talked for a few more minutes, His mom was cool! She reminded me of my mom! A little more Mariah information! I also told Mariah my mom said Hello and Mariah said awwww is she here? I explained a little and she said tell Mom Hi!!! :) So we stayed in New York! Finished eating at Uno's! The next day we went back to the Rose Center and we toured the museum again and talked to some of the guards who were there at the meet and greet and we went back to the Rose Center and my Aunt Sherry and I each sat in the seat Mariah sat in the night before LOL!!!! (hey whatta ya expect? I am a Mariah fan!) So I went to MARS 2112 which is an awesome place in New York and as we were eating there before we had to come back home. Mariah's song "Fantasy" came on! MARS2112 by the way is freakin awesome. You actually go 5 stories underground and the resturant looks like the planet MARS! It was awesome. On our way home as we arrived back in Reading, My Aunt Sherry pointed out the window! Here she was pointing at a Rainbow! There was actually a Rainbow clear as day in the sky! It was awesome. Mariah is a good person! She takes the time to do this! It means the world to us! Thanks to Mariah and Louise and Michael! Also to all the museum security people! You guys rock! And to Liron, Nicole, Andrea and Jimmy and your mom!!! It was cool to meet you guys in person! Oh and I can't forget Greg!!! It was cool to meet you Lamb!!! Thanks everyone.... Thanks so much to Cindy and the Mariah Carey Street Team!!!! Also thanx to my mom Bianca!!! You Rock! Janel Spiegel