Farmer Joe & the Gnomie Buckets

LoOk! A GnOmE HoMe!

This is the official site for Farmer Joe & the Gnomey Buckets, an awesome new band!
The members as of now are Jessica aka Juice, Caitlin C aka Petrey, and Corinne aka Cornflake

Ahem, I have an announcement, Drumroll please...
One of our songs finnally has actually musical acompliments for it. Yes thats right "mittens" can be sung with a guitar. Hurra Hurra, glorius day!
We already have over 13 songs and they're all very funny!
Some of our titles include of....
.StoRy Of A nOrTh pEeLy
.PiCkLe Up ThE aSs
.I Like Pie
.Chicken After Sex
.Fart Master
.Nothing but a Brace Face
.To My Love (syphilis song)
.Summer Bummer
.Splinter In My Butt (A ReaL LiFe StOrY!)
.Pop Goes The Penis
and more are on their way

SoOn To CoMe...BiOs!

.Click here to do the MaD HyPe SuRvEy!