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Welcome to the Empire Anansie,

Whats new?

well not much is new, if any one did not know, I fianally have a boy friend, who I love very much. His Name is Dave and our one year aniversary is in December.... Can you believe it? Any who....Thats all in that department. Thanks for checking in on the site! : ) there may be some new things since the last time you visited, but that's doubtful. The friends section is up and running, this is a place for mostly old friends, from parties ages ago. Some people are still friends and some are not. New stuff, is for pics of new people and happenings, this is not running! Photography is my ameture photograhs and this section is up and working. Check it out and let me know what you think. I just love complements... LOL!

Ok well I guess it's now time for you to

