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Weird Pages
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Hello all! I'm in the process of giving this site a major overhaul, so don't be surprised if things are a little out of whack for a while. Once I'm done, it'll be much larger and more user-friendly than before, so it's worth the wait. ^_^

Here are some descriptions of what is to come:

Poetry from LotR: This is a small collection of poems from Tolkien's amazing world, including one or two from the Silmarillion. They're beautiful; I highly recommend taking a look.

Blog: Yes, I have finally made a weblog for myself. I designed it on my own, rather than get one from Xanga or Live Journal, and I'd appreciate suggestions about the format. I'll try to update it often, but I make no promises about the sanity of the content.

Forum: My beautiful message board for chit chat, serious discussion, and anything else you darn well please. To reasonable limits, of course.

Weird Pages: During the course of learning HTML, I created several practice pages that are a bit... Disturbing. Don't worry about the chickens, all they want is homage.

Quizzes: A selection of quizzes I've taken from all over the web, each attempting to describe me. Many are from Quizilla, but not all of them. Go ahead, have some fun!

Poll: What do you think about the changes I've made to the site? Have any suggestions for improvement? Well, tell me so here. Please, please respond; I'd really like your input.

Links: These are some of the places I spend my time trolling over again and again. Take a look, you never know what good stuff you'll discover here.

About Me: Either you've never taken taken classes in telepathy and mind reading, or you know all this already. Think about that for a minute, then visit this page.