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Soulless, undead, cold as the mountains in which he was bred, Fontenar is not a creature many would want to meet without reinforcements. This vampire's use of blood magic has made even other demons hate and fear hate him. Little is known of his life, though he is not as blatantly mysterious as some folk. Though it seems impossible to have a conversation with such a creature as Fontenar, when he is well fed and content he is civil though aloof in conversation. Even remotely hungry or bored, however, he is a sadistic killing machine whose lime-green cat-eyes give him excellent night vision. He carries many kinds of weapons, all of which he keeps poisoned, and carries the natidotes with him just as he does his aura of hatred and his far weaker undead follower who is called, for lack of a better name, Flea. He has some sort of connection with an elf named Rhiannon, though the relationship is totally unwanted on her part. Fontenar seems to hardly remember the names of many of his 'enemies', including the creature Ela'rhen, from the sheer number of them. Even his clothing is an assertion of his power and cruelty. Half-feline though he is, he wears the skins of wildcats, showing off both his skill as a predator and his complete lack of caring even for his kin. Only the diamond-shaped orb around his neck, lime-green as his eyes, and his long blue and grey cloak are not made of catskins. To two things in the world does Fontenar of Ishur show respect; snow leopards, and the sign of four long parallel gashes, like those left by a great cat's slashing claws...