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Greetings, and welcome to the Drakan Guild. I have transferred this web site to this location from Homestead due to the difficulties which I encountered there.

The Drakan Guild is not a clan, but an alliance between clans. If you wish to join, please send a letter to my inbox at Please be weary of what you insert into the subject line, for I have some filters on my account which might intercept an incoming e-mail.

If you would like to visit my website at Homestead, please click here. If you would like to visit some other Drakan homepages and fan sites, here are some links to various webpages of interest.

Planet Drakan
File Planet

If you are interested in joining a clan or some clans, here are some links to the homepages of the more well known clans.

The Blood That Binds
Neophites of Rising Darkness
Arokh's Favorite Warriors

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