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i start to go down down down, way too low
Friday, October 10, 2003 | 9:38 AM|

Tell me I'm wonderful

Yesterday was the best day in the whole wide world. If you haven't read the previous entry do so now.....great, okay. Well the situation is settled. Last night Dana found out she was accepted to the street team. For some reason they added 3 people last night without telling anyone they were doing so. So, I IM'd Lindsey (who happens to be the Florida State Chair...basically she's in charge of all of Florida) and I don't know how it happened but we ended up talking about the dinner. I told her how much I wanted to go but my friend was just accepted and that since the list was filled up I couldn't go. She asked Dana's name. I gave it to her. She had NOTHING on her! Then she got this email and saw there were 3 new members, one of them was Dana. So.....she put Dana on the list. So now we're both going and we're both getting in 30 minutes early and we're both going to have a good spot, and we're both happy. I do feel bad though, because Jessi can't get it. But I pulled all the strings I could pull. Jessi isn't a member of the Street Team. The good thing, though, is that she's going with someone. If Dana hadn't been put on the list then she would have been solo, unless she found Jessi. OOOOOH I'm so excited!!!! LOL okay I don't know why I'm expressing my happiness because nobody ever comes here. I'm talking to a blank screen.

Adios, Michelle

Thursday, October 9, 2003 | 9:24 PM|

A Rock and A Hard Place

Okay I'm stuck. I have no idea what to do. The Street Team is having this get together, a dinner, at the House of Blues where Hanson is going to be performing. Anyway, I told them a few times (like 3 or 4) that I couldn't go because I was meeting up with a non ST member and this was a closed party. Street Teamers only. Well, I got an email anyway and my name is on the offical list. And it turns out that the Street Team is not only having dinner together, but we will have a private room and a person(s) will escort us into the show 30 minutes prior to the offical door opening time. So I'm GUARANTEED a good spot. Very close. For my first Hanson concert. However, there is a problem. I already kinda made plans with Dana and she wouldn't be able to get in when I would. I mean I could still pick her up and all but...arg. I don't know what to do. HELP!!!

Adios, Michelle

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 | 8:08AM |

Wakin up this morning thinking this can't be real...

I woke up this morning at 7:45. 7:45 on the dot. I leapt out of bed and headed to the bathroom because I had to piss like a rushin' racehorse. So as I'm walking I start singing a song I haven't heard in forever "It was 7:45 all in line to greet the teacher Ms. Kathleen, first came Cindy, then came Lucy, third in line was me, now all of us was ordinary compared to Cynthia Rose, she always stood at the back of the line with a smile beneath her nose. Her favorite number was 20 and every single day, if you asked her what she had for breakfast this is what she'd say 'star fish and coffee, maple syrup and jam, butterscotch clouds, a tangerine and a side order of ham' and if you set your mind free baby maybe you'll understand, star fish and coffee, maple syprup and jam wooo oooo" Isn't that an effin killer song? You like it don't you? Hehehe I do. Anyway, being as it's so early I have nothing to blog about. Oh I did start talking with Andrew yesterday. He's a lil older than I thought. Meh. C'est La Vie

Adios, Michelle

Monday, October 6, 2003 | 12:42 PM |


Yesterday was a killer killer day. Here's what happened. We were walking to the stadium (for the Jaguar game) like we always do when my parents took us for a short detour. I was cool with that because I had Hanson in my CD player and I was rockin' out...what a site to see. Anyhow we went to this little underground world. It wasn't really underground, it was above ground, but it was like a secret society, that wasn't a secret. It was this cool tail-gating place (i can already tell i lost some of you) that was under one of the big overpasses. It was cool. Anyhow, we hung out there for awhile with Brian, Chuck, Terri, Michelle and some other people who I didn't end up talking to until we departed for the game. My parents were going to go with Brian and them b/c he was able to get all-access passes and they were allowed on the field until the coin-toss. very cool. i'm done with the shift button btw. so we're walking by this dude's car and brian tells everyone to get a shot. there's this guy named "shot guy" who has a full service, free bar and he led us all in a victory chant. we did shots. i had like 2 by this point and by the time we got to the stadium i was buzzed. brian was able to get us all passes, so i got to go on the field too. it was killer. the players were right there...and then the most beautiful thing happened. chris hanson jogged by. chris has been my favorite player ever since brian barker left, i have a thing for kickers. mmm. i started liking him b/c his last name, and then i found out he was good, after watching him, and then i realized he was goregous. so anyhow chris HANSON was jogging by and i actually talked to him.

Me: Hey Chris!

Chris: Hey!

Me: How ya doin' buddy?

Chris: I'm good, how about yourself

Me: I'm good

this whole time he continued jogging by it was excellent. then i announced "holy shit i just creamed my victoria secret underwear" people laughed. it was great. wonderful. faboulous. *sign*

so today i started promoting, ya know for hanson. i had fun. i'm going to do even more tomorrow. i can't wait. i'm excited. enthused. i'm outta here.

Adios, Michelle

Sunday, October 5, 2003 | 9:54 AM |

I did not just do this...

Good grief! That's what Charlie Brown would say. Good Grief! I was up until well after 1 talking with Nicole and Dana online last night. Those two are TROUBLE! But they are fun. We talked about absolutely nothing, doosh...I remember doosh.

I don't like this layout. Oh well. I'm too lazy to change it. I liked my old Justin Timberlake one, the one with the vein, but that had to go.

What in the hell am I writing about? I'm just going off on tangents. Lack of sleep I guess. Thus, I'm gone.

Adios, Michelle

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 | 10:16 AM |

I've decided to start from scratch

Not much has really happened since I last blogged. Actually I can't even remember what I last blogged about. Everything lately has centered around Hanson. Sad, isn't it? Ever since Underneath Acoustic (Go buy it now if you haven't already) was released, there's been a complete resurgence of Hansonism in me. It's wonderful. I was accepted into the Street Team, so I've been doing promotional stuff for that. And then the most beautiful words ever written graced my screen last week, "Hanson in Orlando". Does that sound fabulous? Needless to day I've already got my ticket. However, there's just one slight problem with that. The tickets cost more than I expected them to, so I've overdrawn on my account. Or at least I will, so I need to get like 5 dollars in the to cover my ass. Anyone wanna make a donation?

Adios, Michelle