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September 4, 2002- Long time no see, eh? I'm sure you all missed me. There is a reason for my lack of updates, I promise. It's a good one too. I'm not one of those candy asses who gives up on their page. That's not me. I am known, however, to switch up hosts every once in awhile, as some of you all know. My freakin' keyboard is broken, well it's not the keyboard itself it's the keyboard jack in the back of my computer. Crappy, eh? Actually, it's my dad's computer, mine is already packed away for the move. Not much really happened since my last update---that is until this weekend. So, it's Friday night, we're all bored as hell so we decided we'd go egg someone's house. That someone ended up being we headed off to find her house, without any eggs or water balloons in tote (They were all wasted before we even left my house, oops). Now before I go any further, you should know who Melissa is. Melissa is this chick that Dusty met online. They started "dating" or whatever and then "she" broke up with him because she was moving, or some bull shit lie like that. When they were supposed to meet each other, she ended up having some catastrophe happen, so they never actually met up. Boo hoo. So, this Melissa chick tells Dustin she lives in Oceanway on Sago drive. So we look up Sago Dr. on Yahoo maps, find directions. We were in the damn ghetto yo. It was freaky as hell. After that we go to Wal*mart because we're bored as hell and we always manage to find something amusing to occupy ourselves with there. So I walk in and I hear "Michelle!" It's Melanie. She's in the McDonald's lobby with Denise, Dennis and her little one, Justin. So I stop by, attempt to hold a converstaion with her, things didn't exactly work out. It's not that I didn't want to talk to her, it's just I feel as though we don't have anything to talk about anymore. Because--well, we don't. Some people, ya know, you can just pick up where you left off, I guess she's not one of those people. So, we start messing around with this girl, Aaron starts bitching so we end up leaving. We didn't go home, inhstead we followed around these redneck girls and were honking at them and the boys yelled "show me your boobies" to her. She was with her mom or whatever, so she didn't. Saturday comes along and we're bored as hell. Nothing to do. The boys were supposed to play football with some guys from another neighborhood, but pussy ass Anthony backs out and goes to his girlfriends house. So later that night we go up to the church so Dustin and Justin could ride their bikes around. Dustin's bike busts and he hits his nuts. HAHAHAHAHA. It was funny. I thought the poor guy was going to die. SO he goes across the street and hangs out by this tractor that was over there. While he's over there, a freakin' Suburban rides on by and hits this cat. So we all whig out and go check ou the poor kitty. The thing is breathing so freakin' hard and is bleeding at the neck. So we go up to the house across the street where the cat ran from. That place was dark, not lights on and was very scary. So we go back across the street to the house where the cat is laying in their yard. We go up the gate out front and it says "Beware of Dog", so we're all like "Shit! Matt, you go." So Matt goes in, and then I go. We knock and this guy keeps peaking out his window. A Young guy too. He comes to the door, the guys are all too much of pussies to even talk to him so I told him. They took the cat to the Vet ER. So we go home, there's this guy standing outside of my house. So, I talk to him for a second and go inside. Next day comes around, Ashley comes over. There's a clam bake, Scott and Ashley get it on, yada yada yada. Fastforward to Monday. We're bored and we decided to go on a walk like we did the past 2 nights. We had back to the back of the neighborhood and we see a lemonade stand Jordan and Jennifer had set up (8 year old twins). They had closed things up for the day so we were playing around and started a mini-riot. Joking, ya know how it goes. The guy from the night before appears out of nowhere and thinks we're serious so he joins in. I thought he was high, he kept asking ou r names and then spelling them, I gave a fake name, and then the other caught on and did so as well. Things start getting scary, he's singing Jimmy Hendrix and then goes to Limp Bizkit and then says he only fucks Greek women, followed by a quote from the scripture (the Bible for ya'll not in the know) and then tell us his address and starts spelling our name. We walk by Ryan's, he tells us the guy is a schitzophrenic, things become clearer. Mrs. Lafferty tells us the guy is bipolar, would steal stuff from them and then send them a quarter and a letter in the mail for the deodarant or whatever he stole. Turns out to be a friend of Caleb's that went crazy after doing too much shit. Yesterday, school starts, woo woo, things go fine. Work comes, things went okay. Princess House party, eveyone comes over. Things still going good. Call from Mrs. Lafferty, Mark, the schitzo guy is peering into the windows and some items are missing form their house. Dad goes over, guys gone. He's a homeless schitzo just released/escaped from a mental institution. Now, there you have it. My weekened. My update. Sorry for the briefness, hope you got half as many laughs as we had over the weekened. Hasta.