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September 17, 2002- So yesterday Diana comes into work and says, did you used to go out with this guy named James? I was laughed and said no. Apparently she had a run-in with him. Poor poor Diana. Somehow, without Di telling him, he knew where I worked. How in the hell he managed to find that out, I'll never know. Unless, Adam told Josh, Josh told James. Or Beverly told James...but I doubt Beverly would remember where I work. He (James) told Diana that he was going to write me a letter. Diana (without knowing that I don't want anything to do with the poor pathetic excuse for a human-being) told him she didn't think that was a good idea, because I probably didn't want to hear from him. Score 1 for Diana. I guess he kept talking about me (she said quote "I had to hear all about Michelle this weekend"...arg. He did this one other time. He found Scott sitting in the cafeteria and sent him home with a letter for me. I didn't read it, I threw it away. I don't even wanna know what it said. Other than that, things are good. Hell not that tidbit made or broke my day, ya know? I got toothpaste in my eye this morning. OWWWWWW!!!!! Hurt like a S.O.B, and then I got eyeliner in my eye. Let's just say I was walking around like Popeye this morning. Wasn't a pretty sight. My eyes are watering talking about it, better stop before the makeup runs. So I have two classes, today. Boring ass Psychology and then American History (which isn't bad, I take a lot of notes in this class.) And then I'm going home. Mom took they day off and work only a half a day yesterday. Maybe we'll do lunch. We'll see. I think I'm addicted to the forum. Hehehehehehe.