Home of DIaMOnd lAce

Welcome to the home of DIaMOnd lAce!

...If you're one of those people who doesn't give a shit about the person behind the site or doesn't like reading anecdotal stuff from the webmistress, here's an easy way to cut straight to the story. If you're interested in a little rambling, look past these immediate links ^_~

DIaMOnd lAce

section one

section two

section three

section four

section five

section six

section seven

section eight Added 12/01

section nine Added 12/01

section ten Added 12/01

section eleven Added 12/01

section twelve Added 12/01

section thirteen Added 12/01

section fourteen Added 12/01

section fifteen Added 12/01

section sixteen Added 12/01

If you are so cool-ly inclined, feel free to sign my guestbook... that I created... because I'm a loser like that...

Otherwise, keep reading and stuff. I have some WARRRRNIIIIINNNNGSSS!! >:)

A note about the setup...
1) Each section is roughly 10 pages long. If I have more written but it's only about 6 pages or whatever I'll wait till I have more to put it up.

2) Louiza is NOT just a ploy for more word count!!! I do NOT want people thinking that! There's a reason why she talks as she does...

3) I just catch whatever mistakes as I write this. Some parts in the beginning will eventually have to be changed... expect revisions at a later date. For now, though, realize that there will be mistakes.

4) I really liked the page breakers I had for this story so I made them into jpg files and uploaded them onto my site. I know. I'm a weiner. So eat me. (Wow that came out odd....)

5) There's swearing and stuff in this. If you have a problem with that... don't read. I'd probably rate this R or at least PG-13. Nothin' NC-17... but I don't promise it won't turn into that, depending on where this story goes. Just givin' you fair warning.

So anyway. Check back whenever to see if more is up. ...Yeah.

If you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about, you should know these things....

1) This is a story written for NaNoWriMo

2) NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. And you can find the link to the page here: NaNo

3) I just like things in threes so I'm doing this absolutely pointless point.

This is just a place for me to put up my story. Because my roommate keeps whining that it's not online. And I decided that was a good point.

And while we're at it... Anyone know where I can find an anarchy sign that works with fonts? Totally need one for the A in lAce. Thanks ^_^

-Ais (aka Chelsea if you've met me at the NaNo meetings. You know. The girl who generally is quiet and looks like she just woke up and has black hair. That's me ^_~)

(And Cally? No more whining.... for awhile anyway ^_~)


I'm not gonna tell you what's happening. That's the point of the story. The basic gist is it's a bunch of POVs talking about stuff. Yes, this will all have a purpose by the end... but I'm not saying more. Anyway there aren't really chapter per se. So I'll just upload chunks as they come. Hope you enjoy ^_^

I also realize this site is butt ugly. That's because I chose random colors and wasn't allowed to take the time to make this a NICE site. It's the whole "let's NOT be anal retentive perfectionist whores!" thing that's making this happen. I swear... one of these days... I'm going to kill myself out of perfectionism. But on the bright side, I'm sure the death will be perfectly executed and nicely artistic ^_^ That's always something to look forward to...

Contact Ais?
Sure. Why not? ^_~ starlite_gone @ REMOVETHIShotmail.com

I was really amused by a site that had a setup page talkingabout how people get all these spam mails and how it's spiders that get these email addresses and all. It told the people to do REMOVETHIS and tell people to, duh, REMOVE those words when trying to email. I thought it was funny. So I'm doing that. So take out the removethis, and take out the spaces, and there you have my email. Good job.

i am a secret link that goes to nowhere