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Era of Darkness

Next RP Session:
All further sessions have been suspended.

Member of the Month: -
Trainee of the Month: -

Welcome. This is the News Page.

[07.20.03] New rule - if you receive -8 points, then you will be suspended. If you receive -10 points, then you will be expelled. -8 is near -10, so when we suspend you, we're basiclly giving you a break from losing points. x.x; That is a time where you can RP (not in sessions) with other members and receive "points." Points inside of suspension from RPing and other deeds will NOT count as real points. But once you've received two suspension points, then you will no longer be suspended.

[07.12.03] I have returned from my slumber, and I have to say, I am very upset. Nothing happened while I was gone. I wanted to have two RP sessions so that we could have a roast on Sunday, but, it didn't happen. So instead, we'll be having an RP session on Monday. We will also be having one on Sunday, but that one is not mandatory. Show up, or DIE. ><;;; As for the co-leader, I need to speak with you.

[07.06.03] Hey everyone. Well, I will be out until next Saturday, so Tyler will be taking over. Anyways, you will have about two RP Sessions when I am gone. I will be getting a log of the RPs, and I will know who participated and who didn't, and for some of you, this could be the last straw if you're not there again. My charrie (James Mystithur) is on an assignment for Professor Dumbledore. In other news, I am thinking about having a roast every two weeks or so. For those of you who do not know what a ropast is, it's when you make fun of someone else in the EoD. It's great. I hope you guys approve of this. If you don't, then you just won't be involved in it, but that doesn't mean that other members can make fun of you. ;D So if you wanna know, then be involved. I will schedule the first roast when I come back. Ta-ta!

[07.04.03] The First RP Session is posted on top of this. We will meet in the "Arts and Entertainment - Harry Potter EoD" Chatroom. The reason why I am having it so soon is because I leave on vacation on Sunday, and I will be gone for appx. a week. In the meantime, Jon will hold RP Sessions. I just wanted to get one session in before I leave for a while. I want to see how you all RP and stuff. We will meet in that chatroom, then transfer to a PR. See ya then.

[07.02.03] Welcome to the Era of Darkness Harry Potter RPG Group. This site is just up and running, on the EoD's second day. I'd like to thank the artist for all of the artwork done, R.J. Be back later with more updates.