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Sweet Ohio Guy

What do you think of my art work? I just drew this in my brother's art class (He's a teacher in Reynoldsburg). The other kiddies thought the work was great (Although, they aren't really kiddies. Some of them are seniors, but to a 21 year old, they look somewhat kiddish. Um..anyway...) Some students stopped me in the hall on the way out and were like,"I bet you got an A on that picture." I was like, "Maybe 3 years ago I might have." They said, "You mean, you're not in school?" "" I replied. So they said, "(Gasp) You dropped out!!!" Did it occur to them that I might have GRADUATED! Yeah, thanks. ***UPDATE*** I just recently purchased a webcam and took some updated pics of myself. Now you know what I really look like. :)

My Favorite Web Sites

My newest journal. Come to blurty and experience
Check it out. It kicks ass. My username is Angelofshadows.
For those oh so lonely nights. Cyber til your sack falls off!
A link to my pic, incase you wanna see!