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Evetts Family Homepage

The homepage of Dan, Crystal, and Ashley Evetts has been moved to I am trying to keep this page so that I can use it in the future for various other links, but for now there will be few updates done to it.

Last Updated 05/28/03 - But still under construction!

Baby Ashley's Page -- Ashley Alene Evetts was born on October 16th, 2002. She weighed in at 9 pounds 7 ounces and was 22 inches long. This page will forever be dedicated to her...our little princess.

Kelsey and Harley's Page -- This page is dedicated to our two pets. Kelsey is a wonderful, peaceful Golden Retriever. Harley is a white cat, at least we think he is a cat. Sometimes he confuses us because he acts like a dog.

Baseball Blues -- Back in the good ole days, I used to play baseball often and even watch it some. This page will begin to explain why you will find me watching the Bears more often than the Cubs these days.

Medieval and Renaissance Page -- I am sure everyone knows that we like to visit Renaissance Faires and are interested in Medieval and Renaissance time periods. This page will show some of the faires we go to and other interests along those lines.

We want to send a special Thank You to all of the troops in Iraq fighting for the freedom of the Iraqi people and fighting to make the world a safer place. Our family prays for your safe and quick return. May the Lord watch over all of your and your families throughout this hard time. I also want to thank President Bush for making this very tough decision so that our daughter can live in a safer world. Thank you to Prime Minister Tony Blair for being what a true ally should be. Click here for a very touching song I heard on our local radio station that is dedicated to the troops.

Here are some links to pages that I like. The topics of the pages are are quite vast, so I apologize if they are initially posted in a random order...

Visual Paradox -- Here is a great page for computer wallpaper. This guy does his own images in 3D. Just click on the picture you like, and set it as your background. I have many of them downloaded for use on my computer. I love using the different castle ones he he has some great holiday wallpapers as well.

The Eagle's Tear -- This page was made in Memoriam of September 11th, 2001. I was thinking of making a page as well, but this is an excellent page to put here while I make that decision. The first picture you will see evokes many emotions for me every time I look at it. The first time I saw this picture was just a little over a month ago. If you click on that picture, there is a link to a great poem the site owner wrote.

Fantasy Sports by Yahoo! -- If you are interested at all in Fantasy leagues, this is a great place to start. I started last year with Fantasy Football, and have played a couple more of their fantasy leagues for other sports since then. It is free, and a great way to learn how to play.

More Links to other sites that I visit frequently will be posted soon as well...