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With Myself

An Experiment In Understanding Consciousness

Have you ever "known" a fact and someone else "knows" it differently? You can argue and argue to no avail. What's worse is sometimes you begin to understand how they see the fact the way they do. Sometimes these facts turn out to be not so stable. Other people can sometimes show convincing evidence for their viewpoint. The trouble is that you can show convincing evidence for your viewpoint too. How can it be that a "known" fact can be "proven" different ways?

Here we will explore that idea. We ask for your input on a specific subject and compare the responses. We will present essays on the subject "Am I God" with slants like "Why I Am Not God" as well as "Why I Am God". The basic subject is "Are We God?".

If you want to participate then feel free to

contribute here.

This is not a commercial site and is not designed to make money, just provide a means to explore "reality" and give those that are drawn here a place to present their views.

A possibility in the future could be a book. If you are interested in having your submission included in a book let us know.




Discussion Group: "Am I God?"


Bob Alexander - "God's Morality or Man's?"