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Merry Meet and Welcome

We welcome all seekers of the Ancient Wisdoms.

We ask that you enter, in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

First Pagan Circle of Cullman 

We are a small group of solitaries that have come together for mutual support and sharing of ideas.  Because we are solitaries, we have a very eclectic circle.  We have been coming together since the fall of 2001 in perfect love and perfect trust.  We welcome all those who wish to seek the paths of enlightenment to attain true personal spirituality.  

We do not discriminate against anyone because of age, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, or color.  If you have an open mind and are willing to share your beliefs and ideas openly, then you are welcome to enter our circle.

Priestess: Eaglesilverwolf

Since we are still growing, we are not very well organized in that we do not have a set schedule by which we meet.  Hopefully that will be changing soon.

Below are various links that we feel are of great help.

Email Lists:







Inanna: Sumarian; Goddess representation of the Mother.


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