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Come take a tour through our art program and classrooms. See the wonderful things that the COIC Youth Education program has to offer our young adolescents.
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The COIC Art Program is directed by a local artist, Joan Hammond. She has created a dynamic and versatile program in which the students are learning how to paint, draw, work with wood cuttings and imprinting, clay, pottery, and numerous other types of art! It is the highlight of the day for many students. Below are some of the pictures taken over this last term of the students and their art! Isn't it amazing!!

These pictures are of the art room walls, with all the student art mounted on them.

Joan Hammond, the art teacher!

Some examples of student pottery. The left are pieces unfired. The right are finished pieces.
Aren't they wonderful!

Left - Student fingerpainting, Right - Unfinished painting

Our students learned to work with wire.

Left - Mural sketch before painting.
Right - Mural painted (unfinished).
This mural, painted by our two students - Max and Amanda, will be dedicated to the Bend Workforce Connection on June 5th, 2002 in the COIC 1st Annual Art Show!

The pictures below are of the classroom and students at the Bend COIC, taking spring term, 2002.

Left - John's classroom (independant study & math)
Right - Gregor's classroom (G.E.D. study, math, and computer use)

Some examples of student projects and posters that adorn the classroom walls.

Our classroom pet, Lowell Bob, a baby chameleon!
He must be hiding!

The students at work.

The art room - various pottery and clay in different stages on the shelves.

John's room once again!

Thanks for taking a tour through the pictures of our educational program here at COIC.
Please come back soon!!

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