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Site News:

This is the Website's third upgrade since it has been up and running. What set's this design apart is that it has much more information to offer than the last two. Also more features than ever before.

We always try to make the website as user friendly and simple as possible, yet well designed and packed with features!

Soon to come will be new lessons and articles from various dominican preachers. So keep on Checking back for new info as time progresses.

Check out the new "Suggestions Page" where you can post your suggestions on content of the website.

Check out our other new areas on the site:
>Bible Study

>Scripture's Page

>Online Lessons

>Updates Page

Brought to you by: D.LeBlanc

Keep Visiting for more news updates on the website and it's development.Also info on activities being held in Dominica.

Also check out our "scriptures" section to find scriptural support on various topics in the bible. The scriptures section is like an online CONCORDANCE. Just look under a topic and you will find a whole collection of scriptures.

If you need help finding "scripture text" for a certain topic, then the "Scriptures section" is for you.


Hello and welcome to the Massacre Church of Christ website! This site was created for the purpose of bringing the word of God to a large number of people. We thank you the viewer for visiting the website and we trust that you will enjoy your time spent on the site.

Feel free to check any page on the site and let us know if you have a question or comment by email or by clicking on the "suggestions" link at the top right of the page under "main options".

You can also view the F.A.Q page for answers to frequently asked questions. It is located at your left under the links in descending order. There you will also find the following links:
>Contact us
>Site Map
>Church information

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