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 Greet you on official site a new playing project "Clay GOD". Given project consists of desk magic card plays and computer magic card play. These parts of the project complement each other, making world Clay GOD more unadulterated and realistic. Any desirous, have some literary, design or computer skills can come into scheme.

    Rules of computer card game "Clay GOD":
  1. Cards are mixed and given on 5 to player. Beside each player 7 cubes (1-6) different colour of energy: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet.
  2. Player throws own cubes and following amount available him energy goes a card, on the turn which energy is enough. Turn is produced only by one card. If energy comes short on turn, it unset any card, on its desire. To Miss a turn without the unset of card is forbidden.
  3. Advantage or loss approaches: when life less is a zero; when life wizard more than 200; when defensive sphere more than 200, if defensive sphere less -50.
System requirements:
800х600, 24-bit color, WIN 95,98,ME,NT,2000.
In play at present 72 cards. Ruling button of mouse - for the unset of card, left button of mouse - for the turn. If your sphere less 0, for each turn with you in addition leave 2 hits and are added to the enemy, conversely.
  • red - energy of fire
  • orange - light astral, is gained from sun and star
  • yellow - energy of the land
  • green - energy lifes
  • cyan - energy of air
  • blue - energy of water
  • violet - dark astral, is gained from moon
  Download game ClayGOD:Card(~900Kb).
  Registerred - $9,95 (VISA, Amex, MasterCard, Discover).
  Screenshot game ClayGOD:Card

ClayGOD Document Solutions believes that electronic privacy is crucial to the ongoing success of the Internet as a service, commercial, and entertainment medium. Our policy is to keep the personal information we receive from our sites completely confidential, and used solely for internal purposes. We will not share your personal information with any other parties. ClayGODwill not willfully disclose any individually identifiable information about its users to any third party.


  • changed design computer card play, amount of cards become more than 50
  • this date probably magic ;-)
  • presented demonstration computer card play
  • site has got free e-mail of type for fans and other wanting
  • written first lines of code of computer card play, on general review presented an screen card
  • changed design site, refusal of frames
  • with the New Year! in CG new year too begins in winter :-)
  • birth site - october 2001

  • screen game ClayCOD:Card

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