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Magic Wand Ring No. 236

30th Central Illinois Magic Get-Together

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sponsored by

IBM Magic Wand Ring No. 236
Champaign, IL

Mark your calendar early!!!

See below for more information about IBM Magic Wand Ring No. 236.

On Saturday, April 24, 2004 magicians from throughout the midwest gathered in Urbana, IL for the Twenty-Seventh Annual Central Illinois Magic Get-Together hosted by Magic Wand Ring No. 236 of Champaign, IL. Many thanks go out to Dennis Reed, Coordinator with Don and Dorothy Schultz whose hard work brought the day off without a hitch and ensured a good time for all attendees.
The day started with registration at 8:30 a.m. and coffee and donuts were available for a small donation. The Dealers opened at 9:00 a.m. with a variety of merchandise being represented by Mr. Wong’s House of Magic from Davenport IA, Big Dan Evans From Shelbyville IL, Ron London from West Lafayette IN, and Rick Fisher (FAB Magic Co.) from Colon MI. They were joined later by Andy Dallas (Dallas Magic and Costumes) from Champaign IL. A wide variety of merchandise was available with very little overlap from dealer to dealer.
Gary Slater was the MC for the day’s activities. Lectures began at 9:30 a.m. sharp with Ron London presenting some of the wares available at his table followed by John West who offered a number of effects and DVDs for sale as we broke for lunch. After lunch, Steve Draun and Andy Dallas closed out the lecture portion of the program. Each lecture was both entertaining and informative and offered a number of new ideas and effects that could be utilized by practitioners at any level of prowess.
The audience was split into three groups for the close-up shows and the performers rotated through the stages. On the bill in no particular order were Arthur Trace, Rob Thompson, John West, and JR Thomas. Each performer had a unique style leaving the audience both mystified and entertained. If you get a chance to see one of these guys in action you won’t be disappointed. After the close-up shows we broke for supper and began preparing for the Gala Evening Stage Show.
Rick Fisher was the MC for the Evening Show, which was open to the public and had standing room only. The line up included Andy Dallas, Rob Thompson, John West, Carl Karl, Don Schultz & Dorothy, Rick Fisher, Arthur Trace, and Gary Slater. I worked as stagehand for the evening so I didn’t get to see much of the stage show but judging from the laughter and applause and the oooos and the ahhhs, it was well received. As for myself, I had a great time backstage watching the performers prepare for the show. Each person had their own way of loosening up and psyching themselves up prior to going on stage. Whichever methods they used must have worked because the audience loved every minute of it.
After the evening show, the performers lined up, signed autographs and chatted with the audience. The rest of us milled around, chatting and/or doing some close up effects in small groups. As the audience waned, we began breaking down the stage and winding down.
All in all, the day was a great success. It was a great chance to make new friends and get reacquainted with old ones. The performers and lecturers were polite, friendly, and knowledgeable and more than willing to share their knowledge. I would have no hesitation in recommending each and every performer, lecturer, or dealer to any Rings out there looking to host a Get-Together. Their flexibility and professionalism helped make the day the success that it was.
In closing, I want to thank those who attended. Without your support, these Get-Togethers would not be possible and we would lose an important aspect of the magic community. Local gatherings like this allow up-and-coming performers to appear side by side with seasoned professionals. They give us an inexpensive venue to see these performers and to learn from them in an intimate setting and, most of all, they give us an opportunity to keep in touch with nearby Rings and maintain a sense of community which is often lacking in the hustle and bustle of today’s life.
Ken Barham, President Ring 236

The 24th Central Illinois Magic Get-Together held in Urbana on May 5, 2001 was a great success. Wow, what a day! The Ring 236 members are very pleased with the fine, enthusiastic turnout and support of the Magicians, spouses, and friends who attended making this a memorable day.
A Friday Night Workshop featured Craig Dickson with his Workshop for the Entertainer. The Workshop was limited to a small number of registrants so that a one-on-one atmosphere could be obtained.
The day started at 7:30 A.M. The five dealers began setting their tables with their magical wares. Jayne Henson was already beginning the setting of stage curtains and she was later joined by Dorothy Schultz. The snack serving area received the attention of Dorothy as she readied the coffee and a variety of doughnuts which were eagerly accessed throughout the day. Concurrently or almost at the same time the stage lighting was set up by Don Schultz. Later the sound system was placed by Rick Bednar. The very capable evening show stage hands were Charles Auth and Jesse Wilson.
By 8:30 registrants were arriving and the magical conviviality began and continued in full-swing throughout the day. By 9:00, looking about the room, could be seen the Dealers: Ron London, Big Dan Evans, Andy Dallas, Rick Fisher and his son, and Craig Dickson. Activity there became lively and continued throughout the day.
At 9:30 all was ready for the Welcome by Ring President, Gary Slater. The regrettable news had to be given that Charlie Lindy was not able to attend because of continuing health problems. We had been looking forward to Charlie being his usual exuberant and entertaining self as the day’s Master of Ceremonies and with Cecile’ Lindy joining him for their act in the evening show. A large Card of Love was at the registration desk for all to express their sentiments.
Gary carried the day’s activities along smoothly. The first event was the lecture by Rick Fisher. There followed a lecture by Craig Dickson. Noon provided more time for conviviality, dealers, and lunch. The afternoon resumed with a lecture by Terry Murphy. Drawings were done for the door prizes and the 50/50 feature. A different event was added in the form of a Balloon Jam orchestrated by magician/clown Nicholas Toombs. A change of pace was provided by the Close-up show which was in the capable hands of the performers: Craig Dickson, Terry Murphy, and Gary Slater. The afternoon drew to a close with an entertaining show by the Society of Young Magicians.
The Gala Evening show provided a surprise beginning with Ring 236 President Gary Slater presenting Dennis Reed a plaque expressing appreciating for the contributions by Dennis to the Art of Magic as Coordinator for 24 years, during which time Ring 236 hosted the Get-Together every three years. Ron London was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening show. The performers for the first half were Maria Schwieter, Don Schultz & Dorothy (covering for Charlie and Cecile’ Lindy), Ron London, and Andy Dallas. During an intermission and before the show the audience was entertained by Sparkle the Clown (Nicholas Toombs). The second half performers were Troy Roark, Rick Fisher, Terry Murphy, and Don Schultz & Dorothy.
As always, Ring 236 is fortunate to have Dale Farris as the superb video and still photographer to capture the details and spirit of the events and attendees.
Heartfelt thanks to all those contributing to the day’s activities. We are looking forward to the Get-Together hosted by Ring 239 in Springfield in May of 2002.

The 21st Central Illinois Magic Get-Together held in Champaign, May 2, 1998 hosted the following dealers, Vegas Pace, Dallas & Co., Michael Powers, Ron London, Bob Bengel and Duane Laflin. Lecturers included Robert Bengel, Duane Laflin and Ron London. Close-Up performers were Bob Bengel, Duane Laflin and Michael Powers. There was an afternoon stage show presented by the Society of Young Magicians. The Gala Evening Show was MC'd by Duane Laflin and the performers were Maria, Bob Bengel, The Laflins, Dan Lornitis, Andy Dallas, Lindy Magic, The Magic of Nicholas and Don Schultz & Dorothy. The Get-Together held a Friday Night Workshop with Bob Bengel, limited to a small number of registrants.

The 18th Central Illinois Magic Get-Together held in Champaign, Saturday, May 6, 1995, hosted the following dealers, Dallas & Co., Michael Powers, Kevin King, Michael Close, Vegas Pace, Don England and Ron London. Lecturers included; Michael Powers, Kevin King, Don England and Michael Close. Close-Up performers were Michael Powers, Don England and Michael Close. There was an afternoon stage show presented by the Society of Young Magicians. The Gala Evening Show was MC'd by Kevin King and the performers were Maria Schwieter, Michael Close, Andy Dallas, Kevin King, Olin the Illusionist and Don Schultz. The Get-Together held a Friday Night Workshop with Michael Powers, limited to a small number of registrants.

The 15th Central Illinois Magic Get-Together held in Champaign, Saturday, May 2, 1992, hosted the following dealers, Vegas Pace, Dallas & Co. and Michael Powers. Lectures were presented by Michael Powers and Harry Riser. Close-Up programs were performed by Vince Golden, Michael Powers and Harry Riser. Ralph Pierce gave a special presentation of "My Life in Magic". The evening Stage Show was MC'd by Dennis Reed and performers were Maria Schwieter, Vince Golden, Don Schultz, Andy Dallas, Vince Samson and Chris Bohne.

As you can see, IBM Magic Wand Ring No. 236 has a history of successful Get-Togethers. The 27th Get-Together, scheduled for Saturday, May 1, 2004 will again host high quality magical talent. Plan now to attend. There are plans to host a Night Before Friday Night Workshop. New information will be added as it becomes available.

The Central Illinois Magic Get-Together rotates between three cities in Central Illinois; Champaign, Springfield and Peoria.

~ ~ ~ T-Shirts ~ ~ ~

Get yourself a Central Illinois Magic Get-Together T-Shirt! There is a rabbit in a top hat holding a wand on the front upper left and on the back it says “Central Illinois Magic Get-Together” with an outline of the state of Illinois showing Champaign, Springfield and Peoria. There is also a top hat and a gloved hand holding a wand. These are high quality white t-shirts with black printing. The shirts are $10 each. If you want to order one by mail, e-mail the address at the bottom of this page, there will be an additional cost for postage. The shirts are always available at any Central Illinois Magic Get-Together. **********************************************************************************************

Magic Wand Ring No. 236 Information

To associate for professional growth, exchange of ideas, and cooperation of individuals sincerely interested in the advancement, promotion, and practice of the Art of Magic.

You are cordially invited to attend three Ring 236 Meetings as our guest. For continued attendance, application for membership in the International Brotherhood of Magicians is required, as well as Ring 236 membership application. Both applications may be obtained from Ring 236 secretary. Return the completed applications to the Ring 236 secretary along with the prescribed dues. The Ring members will be pleased to assist with the applications in any way possible.
Upon receipt of your International Brotherhood of Magicians membership card, pin, and certificate you will be asked to make a presentation to show your interest in Magic at the next scheduled Business Meeting. We will assist you in this as necessary. Membership shall be granted by 2/3 vote of members present and the vote will take place following the applicant’s presentation.

1. Prerequisite is Membership in The International Brotherhood of Magicians. Please see Application form for details.
Active member: Age 18 and above, dues are $40 annually. Application and dues for first year is $55.
Junior member: Age 12 to 18 years, dues are $35 annually. Application and dues for first year is $50.
2. For Ring 236 Membership please see What to do to become a Member of Ring 236. Ring 236 Membership dues are $18 annually, due in February.

4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. 2nd Thursday for November and December.

Monthly Newsletter.

Lectures, Picnic, Christmas Party, Central Illinois Magic Get-Together.


* Ring 236 Charter - January 11, 1978. The temporary Charter was granted on April 29, 1976.
* The International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) was organized in 1926, now having over 15,000 members worldwide with over 300 local groups, called Rings, in more than 73 countries.

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This page was born on Sunday, March 24, 2002
Last Updated: April 26, 2006
