I have made this webpage, hoping it would be helpful to some people who have bought the CigarPro portable USB storage device, but have been having problems installing it.

Frist, make sure there aren't any external parallel-port drives connected, minimize your USB connections, make sure any previous failed installs are cleaned out from the Device Manager, and then install the new Win98Drv1150.exe

I have the 128 MB green CigarPro. At first, it did not install correctly, until I downloaded the latest driver which the folks at http://www.cigarusb.com have posted in their Support webpage! The filename is Win98Drv1150.exe which you can download from here (if for some reason it is not available at their site) but I'd suggest you download it from their Support webpage!, to make sure you're getting the latest release.

I installed it in My PC, running Win98SE, with a P400 processor, and lots of other USB devices and drives (no problem!) worked fine! And I didn't even have to restart the computer! I got a drive letter in "My Computer" - in my case, drive letter F:

Now, there were files inside the CigarPro itself!
Just in case you might want to know what they are, I zipped them all into one file so download is faster and done in one shot!... Here it is.. CigarProContents.ZIP

For your reference, here is the manufacturer's related webpage ..(soyo.com) ... This site offers tech support also, but I haven't tried them.. didn't need to :-)

I hope this has been helpful!


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