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.:C.H.A.N:. Guild Website!

Help out others and get a little bit back in return!

.:Updates and Info:.

08/05/02- JC here again! ^^ Updated most of the links and things that weren't updated like the birthdays, etc., I'll see what I should change to our beloved guild webpage layout tomorrow, hopefully. Neo-mail me if there's a bad link and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. :)

08/03/02- JC here! ^^ For everyone with bad banners in their shop, we have put up two new WORKING banners for you to use now! ^^ Also, for those who didn't know, _angiiie_ has returned from her trip! YEA!! Welcome back! *hugs* And if it's alright with H and Ali lol...I will be giving this guild webby a little make-over. ;) I think we need a TINY bit of a change, don't you?

.:Frequently Asked Question:.

Q: What are guild points?
A: Guild points are a reward for doing certain activities, once you get enough guild points then you win a prize!

Q: Great! Now how do I get guild points?
A: By referring people, doing the employment agency jobs, and of course, guild quests!

Q: How do you know that I referred someone?
A:They have to post it on the messege boards or neomail _angiiie_ and tell her or post it on the messege boards.

The answer to all your other questions should be on the site, if it's not neomail a council member or post it on the messege board!