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The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) was founded by a Grand Master believed to have had Indian Tantric and Islamic Sufi inititiations, Dr. Carl Kellner (1850 –1905). And was an amalgamation of The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis (Led by the English Masonic authority John Yarker), the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light (or Luxor), and other traditions.

The O.T.O. is, so to speak, the quintessence of Freemasonry, and is run on strictly Masonic lines. There is no question of spiritual advancement as in the A.·.A.·. (The Order of the Silver Star, founded by Aleister Crowley – often believed to have founded the O.T.O.) It teaches nothing but theoretical and practical philosophy of life and death. There is no question of attaining a higher state of consciousness. It is true that some practices involve what might, on analysis, turn out to be supernormal conditions, but it is not mystical in any ordinary sense of the word. Further, it works almost entirely in groups, and this is what makes the attitude towards money entirely different from those of the Freemasons.


Some feel that the Egyptian based High Magick secrets of the O.T.O. are more sacred than the Qabalah based teachings of the Golden Dawn, and that those secrets are the initiated interpretation of sexual magick.


Aleister Crowley was born on October 12th, 1875 e.v. in Leamington Spa, England. His family were very strict members of a Christian cult named the Plymouth Brethren. This cult was, in fact, so restricting that an intense hatred and repulsion developed towards the dogma of the Christians. Aleister Crowley was on genius level. Such unique features in the karma of his life led Mr. Crowley to look closely on what path his life was to take. What began as boyish rebellion against his restricting religion started a career on the Path of Magick and Initiation.

During this Search for enlightment he was introduced to George Cecil Jones by the Secret Chiefs. Mr. Jones turned out to be a member of an occult organization named; THE GOLDEN DAWN. The leader of this organization was a Magician named S.L. MacGregor Mathers. In 1898 e.v., Aleister Crowley received his first Initiation in the Golden Dawn on the Path of Western Esoteric Tradition. Yet A.C. was a member of the old Golden Dawn for only two years before events occurred that forced A.C. to leave.

Liber LXI describes the events that led to the separation of Aleister Crowley from the Golden Dawn. Basically, A.C. was dissatisfied with the purity of the Current and the Truth of the Initiation that the Order claimed to represent.

Around this time, in 1900 e.v., A.C. created in Mexico, his first Magical Order, L.I.L., the Lamp of the Invisible Light. He left the Order behind and never knew what happened to it. Another seed planted on his long and exciting career as a Magician.

In 1903 e.v., Aleister Crowley married a woman by the name of Rose Kelly. It was Rose Kelly who went on the honeymoon to Cairo where the Book of the Law was given by Aiwass the Minister of Hoor-paar-kraat. And all this is detailed in THE EQUINOX OF THE GODS.

On November 15th, 1907 e.v. the A.·.A.·. was Manifested by Triad from the Higher Planes and re-established. To this day, it is called by A.·.A.·. members, THE FEAST OF REFORMULATION where great Invocations and Celebrations are held throughout the world.

Theodor Reuss, of the old O.T.O., tried to forbid Aleister Crowley from using the Law of qelhma in the O.T.O.. Several days later, on November 27th, he 1921 e.v. wrote in his diary: "I have proclaimed myself O.H.O., Frater Superior O.T.O. of the Order of Oriental Templars". The magical forces of this conquering became a reality when on October 28th, 1923 e.v. Theodor Reuss was executed by the Gods to permit the prophet his Path to World Leadership. Yea, Aleister Crowley did not inherit the O.T.O. in the ordinary sense; he took it over.

It was March 14th, 1942 e.v. when Aleister Crowley made Karl Germer his Successor in the O.T.O.. He never changed his mind and when Aleister Crowley died on December 1st, 1947 e.v Karl Germer took over as Head of the O.T.O.. Karl Germer was Head of the O.T.O. until his death in 1962 e.v.. When Karl Germer died in the arms of Sasha Germer he stated his last wishes that Marcelo Motta be his Successor. This is the famous Letter of Succession from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta. And this letter that Sasha Germer wrote is dated October 30th, 1962 e.v.. It is absolute proof of the truth of Marcelo Motta being the O.H.O.. (Note that any sanctions from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry were subject to the approval of Karl Germer. This letter of October 30th makes Grady McMurtry a liar and a traitor to claim the O.H.O.)

This ends the brief history of the O.T.O. from beginning to present day. Since the establishment of non-profit religious status the word Society has been added to the front of O.T.O.; and for legal purposes it is now called Society O.T.O. or Society Ordo Templi Orientis.


I intend to add a page dedicated to the A.·.A.·.  at a later date, as I believe that it is this society that people seek when they actually find the O.T.O. although on 8th April 2001 e.v the society took a vow of five years silence so don’t expect too much in the near future.