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Welcome to the Guild of Booklovers website!


Special thanks to Grammy for compiling the initial list of Guild Events!
Questions or comments about this page should be directed to the webmaster

Guild History

Click on a year to jump to the events that happened in the Guild that year.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Have an event or a correction that you'd like to add to our History list? Email the webmaster

Date Guild Event
2000  back to top
11/10/00 Lil_cata starts the Guild of Booklovers.
2001  back to top
05/18/01 The Guild's Library account, booklovers_library, is created.
07/22/01 The Guild's Kitchen account, booklovers_kitchen, is created.
07/31/01 The Guild's Pharmacy account, booklovers_pharmacy, is created.
grammy_dk (then grammy_1) & muthea are named the first Members of the Month.
08/21/01 The Guild's Donation account, booklovers_donations, is created.
08/25/01 The Guild's original Toychest, booklovers_toychest, is created.
11/13/01 The Guild's Cardshop, booklovers_cardshop, is created.
11/14/01 The Guild's Codestone and Faerie Exchange account, bookluver_codestones, is created.
2002  back to top
The Guild's WishingWell account, thewishinwell, is created.
04/28/02 The Guild's Elections account, booklovers_elections, is created.
06/23/02 The Guild's Battleshop account, booklovers_do_battle, is created.
maccajane is awarded the Golden Booklovers Award for posting 1000 messages.
07/??/02 lil_cata's account is hacked and then frozen. Because she's the founder of the guild, the guild is frozen; all that can be done in the guild is post on the message board, but it cannot be closed or deleted.
07/08/02 The Guild moves and is under the leadership of cute_chic4eva.
07/??/02 The Guild's new leader, cute_chic4eva, creates a new Council position and appoints the first Guild Webmaster, czurcher.
The weekly Trivia contest begins.
07/22/02 The Guild's Welcomer account, booklovers_welcomer, is created.
07/30/02 The Guild's Toychest account, booklovers_toychest_, is re-created. The original was hacked.
The Guild's RPG Board is created.
08/01/02 The Guild of Booklovers Website on Angelfire is launched.
08/08/02 The council and shopkeeper's sites are created at CommunityZero.
The weekly Donation Item contest begins.
09/01/02 The Library runs its first Raffle contest throughout the month.
09/04/02 The Elections account also becomes the Guild Surplus Shop.
09/09/02 The shopkeeper and council sites are moved to MSN groups when CommunityZero starts charging for their services.
11/01/02 The Codestone Exchange begins a "Guess the Number" contest, held throughout the month.
gigglesalotmore, owned by maccajane, wins the first ever Pet of the Month award.
12/01/02 The Battle shop takes over the Donation Item contest for the month, with battle and defense items used for the mystery images.
12/18/02 The Guild's Book Recommendations and Movie Reviews guest books are created.
12/20/02 The first Holiday Gift Exchange is held.
2003  back to top
01/01/03 The Toychest begins a Cryptogram contest, held throughout the month.
01/25/03 cute_chic4eva steps down as leader and the Grand Librarian (elected leader position) is created.
01/25/03 lisaz1a is elected the first Grand Librarian of the Guild.
01/26/03 The Guild's Quest Shop account, booklovers_webmaster, is created.
02/01/03 Guild shops start naming a Supporter of the Month for each shop.
02/01/03 A "Worst Poetry Contest" is held for the first two weeks of the month in honor of Valentines Day.
02/01/03 The Guild's Guest Map is created on the website.
03/01/03 The month-long RPG Contest begins, allowing guild members to write the story for "Korbat Halloween".
03/01/03 The Kitchen begins a Recipe Contest, held throughout the month.
04/01/03 A new 2nd Council position, Treasurer is created.
04/01/03 The Guild's website is redesigned and becomes ad free.
04/01/03 The colors of the guild and guild main page are changed to match the new look of the guild website. The Guild bookshelf image map is changed.
04/01/03 The Pharmacy begins a Treasure Hunt contest, held throughout the month.
The Logic Puzzle contest begins.
04/13/03 Stamps are added to the Cardshop.
04/19/03 cybraria is playing Korbat Lab (a flash game). When she tries to send her score, there is a glitch. All of the accounts that she has access to are frozen. This includes the Guild's Pharmacy.
05/01/03 For the first time, the entire staff of a guild shop/position are named Members of the Month when the staff of "Booklovers_webmaster" win the award for their work in revamping the Guild look and website.

The Welcomer, Cardshop, and Battle shop collaborate to begin a three-month-long Survivor contest, with Grammy_dk hosting the contest.
05/01/03 The first ever Gallery of the Month is awarded to lister252's garden gallery.
The bi-weekly Poetry Contest is begun.
05/07/03 The Guild Furniture/Garden Shop, booklovers_furniture, is created.
05/27/03 Thanks to maccajane getting to talk to the Neopet staff while they were in England, the Guild Pharmacy and all of cybraria's accounts were unfrozen.
06/01/03 maccajane is named Member of the Month for all her hard work in getting the Guild's Pharmacy & cybraria's accounts unfrozen.
06/01/03 The Welcomer's account begins the Mentor Program to help new members become familiar with the Guild.
06/25/03 Neopets, finally after numerous requests from lil_cata, deletes the old guild.
maccajane is awarded the Platinum Booklovers Award for posting 2000 messages.
07/08/03 Guild's 1st birthday since the move. Click here for a summary of our anniversary events.
07/08/03 "Where's Benny" contest begins to celebrate the anniversary, with guild members searching the website for our wormnapped mascot.
07/14/03 A Scavenger Hunt contest begins, also as part of the anniversary celebrations.
07/14/03 The Codestones Exchange account is recreated as booklovers_codestone.
08/01/03 The Pet of the Month contest begins awarding an additional prize for pet page in addition to the regular prize for pet story. Nakhtt_Khu owned by pamaiuwen_neferise won PoM for story. BabyKimi1 owned by vwitt won PoM for pet page
The neohome in the cute_chic4eva account is approved to become a model of the Guild Headquarters. The Build the Guild contest is begun to allow members to submit their ideas of what various parts of the Guild HQ would look like.
The first ever Monitor's Awards are given out to new members who distinguish themselves. The Gold Baguette Award went to sandystratton. The Silver Baguette Award went to lilredmee and the Brozen Baguette Award has a tie: strwberrymilkshake15 & theswissarmyknife.
09/01/03 lister252 is awarded the Golden Booklovers Award for 1000 posts.
09/01/03 The Webmaster position is moved from First Council to 2nd Council, and a new First Council position, Council Liaison is created to coordinate issues between the First and Second Councils.
The first ever Shopkeeper of the Month Award is given to maccajane
10/31/03 The Guild allows members to Trick or Treat to participating Guild shops.
11/18/03 The first edition of the guild's newspaper, "The Baguette Gazette" is released on the guild's website.
11/25/03 Participating Guild shops send out Thanksgiving Leftovers to Guild members that have donated in the week prior to Thanksgiving.
12/01/03 The RPG begins a RPG Case Concept Contest to find new mysteries for the Guild of Booklovers Detectives to solve.
12/01/03 The Holiday Gift Exchange occurs for a second time.
2004  back to top
01/01/04 The guild runs a "Contests Contest" to find new ideas for guild activities.
02/01/04 All Guild Contents were renamed to Activities due to tighter Neopets restrictions on guild sponsored contests
02/01/04 The Welcomer begins a Guess the Item Activity, held throughout the month.
03/01/04 The Library begins a Speed Reading Activity, held throughout the month.
03/10/04 As the Battle for Meridell begins in Neopia, the guild holds a War Challenge Activity for guild pets who take part in the fighting.
Who Am I riddle activity begins.
03/15/04 A new position, Guild Dean, is created to manage the Mentoring Program. Grammy_dk becomes our first Dean.
04/01/04 The guild holds a Silly Name Activity in honor of April Fool's Day.
04/01/04 The Kitchen begins a Negg Hunt Activity, held throughout the month.
04/15/03 The guild website hosts an Easter Benny Egg Hunt to celebrate the holiday.
05/01/04 The Pharmacy begins a Design a Disease Activity, held throughout the month.
05/11/04 The Guild's Academy account, booklovers_academy, is created to help our new members become acquainted with the guild.
06/01/04 The Battle Shop begins a Puzzle Activity, with four different weekly puzzles throughout the month as members competed for a honey potion.
07/01/04 The Cardshop begins a Mystery Picture Activity, held throughout the month.
07/08/04 The Guild of Booklovers celebrates its 2nd anniversary in its new location.
07/08/04 The Codestone/Faerie Exchange begins a Neopets Trivia Activity to celebrate the guild anniversary.
The Shopkeeper of the Month Awards is renamed the Guild Worker of the Month Award
08/01/04 The Donations shop challenges guild members to answer questions about a variety of animals in their own Animal Trivia Activity.
08/11/04 The Guild Dean position is moved to the head shopkeeper of the Academy.
09/01/04 The Codestone/Faerie Exchange sends everyone searching through member shops to find a variety of faerie-related items in a month-long Scavenger Hunt.
10/01/04 To celebrate Halloween, the Welcomer team terrified everyone with their trivia activity about classic horror stories, while the Kitchen held a Costume Party to find the guild's scariest, funniest, and cutest dressed-up pets.
For the second year, guild members traveled from shop to shop for Trick or Treat.
11/01/04 The guild experiences another period of change when the entire First Council resigns for various personal reasons. "Acting" council members are appointed to fill the positions until elections can be held. The Council Liaison position is taken off the council to reflect the essential independence of the position, and Activity Director becomes a new First Council position.
11/15/04 The Guild creates its first ever Thanksgiving Journal to record all of the things we are thankful for.
12/01/04 The Guild creates a Monitors Thank You guest book to say thanks to the monitors staff who worked extra hard to keep the Guild message board running smoothly even while understaffed.
In the spirit of the holiday season, guild members signed up for the third annual Secret Santa gift exchange.
2005  back to top
03/01/05 The Kitchen asks for guild members' assistance in putting together their Easter Baskets.
04/01/05 The Library tests guild pets' reading abilities with the return of the Speed Reading activity.
05/01/05 The Pharmacy kept guild members hard at work with four different puzzling activities.
06/01/05 The Battle and Elections shops teamed up to offer puzzles and storywriting challenges.
We let our administrative team know their hard work had not gone unnoticed with the first-ever Guild Staff Appreciation Days. Members were encouraged to send notes of thanks to the various guild staff members, and to take part in two quizzes designed to test their knowledge of how the guild works and to get to know the staff better.
07/01/05 The Cardshop compiled the Greatest Album with submissions of stamp album pages and neodecks from guild members, and also tested our knowledge of Literary Geography.
The guild celebrates its 3rd Anniversary! Prizes are doubled for recurring activities, two special activities are held, bookworms are allowed to request from guild shops, the Wishing Well offers free wishes, and we name our first Supporter of the Year: Pawziam!
The Academy joined in the anniversary fun with Where in the GOBL is Assistant Dean? Guild members were asked to help track Assistant_Dean's location as he visited various guild members throughout the month.
Our big anniversary celebration also included a Summer Fun activity, where members earned tickets into a drawing by entering three different weekly activities (Limbo, the Avatar Activity, and the Game Challenge). Five different members were drawn to receive prizes ranging from a nerkmid to the complete laboratory map!
09/01/05 The Codestone/Faerie Exchange hosted the Booklovers Amazing Race, our own twist on the popular reality show.

Council History

Have a correction to our Council History list? Email the webmaster

Position Name Position Name
Guild Leaders/
Grand Librarian
lil_cata (account frozen)
lisaz1a (first elected)
ldybadger - acting (first to repeat)
Grand Librarian
(when it was the #2 position)
Senior Monitors greeniezona
asianpoolhustler - acting
Master Welcomers courson
catscalll - acting
Activities Directors lisaz1a - acting
Council Liaisons asianpoolhustler
Webmasters czurcher
Treasurers czurcher (temp when position was first created)
czurcher - acting


Questions, comments, snide remarks?
email them to the webmaster.
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