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Welcome to the Guild of Booklovers website!

Grand Librarian: agravegal
Senior Monitor: durenity
Master Welcomer: mickeymab
Activities Director: magdal2

Council Liaison-mrsmou

2nd Council
mickeymab-Academy Dean
memooney23-Battle Shop
magdal2-Card Shop
sandystratton-Donations Shop

Additional Assistants and Guild Positions
Assistant Monitors: mamma24s
Click here to see the monitor's duty schedule
Assistant Webmasters
Assistant Welcomers
Gazette Editor in Chief
Assistant Editor


GRAND LIBRARIAN: The Grand Librarian is the leader of the guild. The main duties of this position are to be a very visible presence on the message boards, be available to answer member questions, handle any problems that arise, and set the general tone and course of the guild. The Grand Librarian presides at all council meetings but does not vote unless there is a tie. The Grand Librarian may also be a shopkeeper, but there is no shop associated specifically with this position.

SENIOR MONITOR: Monitors the guild message boards for inappropriate content including spamming, begging, flaming, advertising, etc. The Monitor is authorized to delete inappropriate messages, warn, block and ban offenders. The Monitor is also in charge of promotions and demotions.

MASTER WELCOMER: Welcomes new guild members on the message board and sends welcome letters. The Master Welcomer manages the welcomer account and welcomer staff, and keeps the Welcomer records up to date with new members. In addition, the welcomer maintains the Bookworm Guide on the website, and helps newbies become familiar with guild rules and resources.

ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR: The person in this position will coordinate all guild sponsored activities, ensuring that they are staffed, occurr regularly, and are concluded in a timely manner. The Activities Director will also be responsible for gathering and presenting ideas for new activities and soliciting for staff for new activities. The full details of this position are still being determined.

COUNCIL LIAISON: This position is a liaison between the first and second councils. As such, this position is not part of either first or second council. The Liaison will ensure that 2nd council concerns are addressed in council meetings, ensure that the impact on shops is kept in mind during decision making, and help to explain council decisions to the shopkeepers. The liaison also mediates any disputes between shopkeepers and assistants, shopkeepers and supervisors and approves shopkeeper's selection of new assistants. This position also works closely with the Guild Treasurer to coordinate and monitor all shop contests and giveaways, and to select the Shopkeeper of the Month award. To ensure impartiality while moderation disputes, the person in this position cannot be a shopkeeper, assistant or any other position on first or 2nd council. The person in this position can serve on the webmaster and newspaper staff.

GUILD TREASURER: This position is in charge of maintaining a record of the guild's finances. All shops send periodic reports of their financial activity to the Treasurer who maintains a master report of the guild's financial status. Shopkeepers request funds from the Treasurer who will then set up the transfer from one shop to another based on who has NP to spare, but the Treasurer has no direct contact with guild funds. As a result, the person in the Treasurer position cannot hold any other position that requires access to a guild account. The Treasurer may also serve on any other award or selection committees where guild funds are involved. While this is a 2nd council position, it will also be a voting member at council meetings.

WEBMASTER: Maintains the guild website and home page (so, must have working knowledge of html, javascript and css). The webmaster also assists in running the council/shopkeepers msn sites, creates guild banners, creates any graphics that are necessary for trophies, awards and badges, and is available to answer guild members' html questions. The webmaster also manages the booklovers_webmaster account and may assist with the running of weekly/monthly contests, although there are no specific contests linked with this position. This is a second council position and is not a voting member at council meetings although the Webmaster may be asked to attend meetings when appropriate.

ACADEMY DEAN: The Academy is responsible for all aspects of the Mentor program including: recruiting mentors, interviewing mentors & mentees, matching mentors to mentees, tracking mentee progress, and awarding graduation gifts. The Academy also sends out birthday greetings on guild members' birthdays.

2ND COUNCIL: All lead shopkeepers that are not already members of 1st council make up the rest of 2nd council. 2nd council members are appointed by the 1st council and must have achieved a rank of Librarian or higher. As well as running the guild shops, they also assist 1st council members with their duties (such as elections, contests, welcoming, etc.). Click here for a list of shops and shopkeepers.

GAZETTE EDITOR IN CHIEF: This position is charged with running the Baguette Gazette. The Editor will oversee hiring of any necessary staff, coordinating submissions, and working with the webmaster to publish the paper on the newspaper site.


The guild council will meet monthly to discuss guild issues, contests, promotions, Member of the Month, message board offenders, etc. Minutes will be taken, but may not always be available to the guild members at large.

If you have an issue or idea that you would like the council to consider, please email it to the Guild Leader.

The meetings are the main way for the council to communicate and coordinate guild activities, so it is important that all council members attend and are on time.

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Council Liaison

mrsmou is our new Council Liaison. Her profile will be available soon :)

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Questions, comments, snide remarks?
email them to the webmaster.
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